ESA - Aurora Exploration Programme - European Space Agency
ESA's new Aurora Programme aims to set out a strategy for Europe's solar system exploration over the next 30 years - which could include manned expeditions to the Moon, Mars, the asteroids and even beyond.
Aurora programme - Wikipedia
The Aurora programme (sometimes called Aurora Exploration Programme, or simply Exploration Programme) was a human spaceflight programme of the European Space Agency (ESA) established in 2001.
ESA - The European Space Exploration Programme Aurora
The objective of the Aurora Programme is first to formulate and then to implement a European long-term plan for the robotic and human exploration of solar system bodies holding promise for traces of life.
ESA - Liftoff for Aurora: Europe’s first steps to Mars, the Moon …
Oct 11, 2002 · Step by step, the European Space Agency’s new Aurora space exploration programme is beginning to take shape. This ambitious programme, started by ESA in January 2002, sets out a strategy over the next 30 years for Europe’s robotic and human exploration of Mars, the Moon, and even beyond to the asteroids.
Stunning aurora as seen from the Space Station - YouTube
On 15 September 2017, 711 photos were taken by ESA astronaut Paolo Nespoli to create this time-lapse of a stunning aurora. Follow the VITA mission: http://bl...
ESA Science & Technology - Aurora Programme
Sep 1, 2019 · Aurora is the response of Europe to this challenging goal. It can be seen as a road map for manned exploration from where a large number of scientific as well as technology spin-offs will emerge. It should pave the way to placing a European on the surface of Mars by 2025.
ESA Science & Technology - More about Aurora
Sep 1, 2019 · Aurora is the European Space Agency's long-term programme of robotic and human exploration of the Solar System. It will run in parallel with the established science programme that currently conducts deep-space exploration …
ESA Science & Technology - Origin of high-latitude auroras revealed
Dec 19, 2014 · Thanks to ESA's Cluster and NASA's IMAGE satellites working together, a particular type of very high-latitude aurora has now been explained. Auroras are the most visible manifestation of the Sun's effect on Earth, but many aspects of these spectacular displays are still poorly understood.
Aurora Technology B.V. – Space engineering and scientific support
Aurora supports the European Space Research and Technology Centre in the Netherlands and the European Space Astronomy Centre in Spain. This is ESA! Some of our Group's customers
Swarm-Aurora - Earth Online
Swarm-Aurora is a web-based tool which provides access to quick-look summary data for a large array of ground-based instruments, as well as Swarm in situ measurements. This web interface allows researchers to quickly and efficiently browse Swarm and ASI data sets to …