Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment: Features, Part 1
Dec 1, 2018 · If the fundus view is obscured, dynamic B-scan ultrasonography is helpful to confirm RRD and determine the status of macular involvement, presence of posterior vitreous …
Echography (Ultrasound) - EyeWiki
One of the most important use of ocular ultrasound is to rule out a retinal detachment (RD) which may require vitreoretinal surgical intervention. Differentiation of a posterior vitreous …
B-Scan Ophthalmic Ultrasonography of Retinal Detachment
Aug 9, 2019 · Retinal detachment (RD) is categorized into rhegmatogenous, tractional or exudative. In as much as it can be detected using ophthalmoscopy, elucidation with B-scan …
Using Ultrasound in Intraocular Diagnosis Part 2: Interpretation
Feb 1, 2024 · B-scan can be particularly useful in differentiating between optic disc drusen (ODD) and papilledema, conditions that are often confused on direct examination. Calcified ODD will …
How does PVD and RD look in USG and how to differentiate
Feb 26, 2018 · How does retinal detachment (RD) look in USG? ️ B-scan : Bright, continuous folded membrane with more tethered restricted after movement. ️ Total RD is attached …
Pictorial essay: B-scan ultrasonography in ocular abnormalities
B-scan reveals a classic total RD (arrow) in a 60-year-old man who came with loss of vision in his right eye. The retina has a funnel-shaped appearance due to firm attachment at the ora …
The Use of B-Scan Ultrasound in Primary Eye Care
B-scan imaging is a safe procedure that provides a real-time kinetic assessment of ocular lesions, even when the view of the posterior segment is obscured. B-scan ultrasonography serves a …
9.10 B-scan Ultrasonography & UBM - Westmead Eye
A B-scan ultrasound is made up of multiple A-scan ultrasounds rotating in a plane to form a two-dimensional picture. The strength of the image is dictated by the ultrasound probe (gain) as …
B-Scan: The Reliable, Necessary, Diagnostic Technology
Sep 1, 2005 · The high-resolution A/B-scan may include four modes: 10 MHz globe/orbit B-scan, 20 MHz anterior B-scan, biometry A-scan with multiple IOL formulae, and standardized …
Role of B-scan ocular ultrasound as an adjuvant for the clinical ...
On B-scan, it is seen as a lenticular-shaped mass arising from the choroid. Ultrasonography is used to assess scleral erosions and extraocular extension into orbital fat. Some tumors have a …