BM-24 - Wikipedia
The BM-24 is a multiple rocket launcher designed in the Soviet Union. It is capable of launching 240mm rockets from 12 launch tubes. Versions of the BM-24 have been mounted on the ZIS-151 and ZIL-157 6×6 Truck chassis and the AT-S tracked artillery tractor, forming the BM …
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The BM-24 is a multiple rocket launcher designed in the Soviet Union. It is capable of launching 240mm rockets from 12 launch tubes. Versions of the BM-24 have been mounted on the ZIL-151 6x6...
BM-24 combat vehicle | Missilery.info
The BM-24 fighting vehicle was designed to suppress and destroy enemy fortifications, strongholds and resistance units, destroy and suppress artillery and mortar batteries, destroy and suppress enemy manpower and equipment in areas of concentration. During development, the system was designated "M-31A".
BM-24 – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
BM-24 (kod GRAU 8U31) – sowiecka wyrzutnia pocisków rakietowych na podwoziu samochodu ZiS-151 pochodząca z lat 50. BM-24 miała dwanaście prętowych wyrzutni o długości dwóch metrów. Z prowadnic odpalane były pociski burzące M-24, burzące dalekonośne UD i chemiczne MS-24 kalibru 240 mm.
BM-24 (Katyusha) 6x6 Wheeled Multiple Launch Rocket System
Mar 26, 2023 · Detailing the technical specifications, development, and operational history of the BM-24 (Katyusha) 6x6 Wheeled Multiple Launch Rocket System including pictures.
BM-24 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The BM-24 is a multiple rocket launcher designed in the Soviet Union. It is capable of launching 240mm rockets from 12 launch tubes. Versions of the BM-24 have been mounted on the ZIL-151 6x6 Truck chassis and the AT-S tracked artillery tractor.
BM-24 (Katyusha): Photos, History, Specification
BM-24 (Katyusha) HistoryThe Soviet Army found tremendous value in the relatively inexpensive wheeled self-propelled rocket projector, perhaps more so than any other participating military power of World War 2 (1939-1945).
SOV - BM-24 (240mm raketomet) - Armedconflicts.com
BM-24 (БМ-24) / 8U31 (8У31) - grenade launcher caliber 240,9 mm (our rocket has priemer 240,6 mm) designed to ničenie opevnených oporných objektov and uzlov opponent, ničenie delostreleckých, raketometných and mínometných pozícií and alive forces and techniques in priestoroch sústredenia.
BM-24 240-mm Multiple Rocket Launcher - GlobalSecurity.org
Feb 14, 2018 · The BM-24 multiple launch rocket system fired the powerful M-24F 240mm rockets, each carrying 27,4 kg of the explosive. In addition to the M-24F, the system could also fire the M-24FUD, having...
BM-24 – Wikipedia
Der BM-24 ist ein sowjetischer Mehrfachraketenwerfer. Im GRAU-Index wird er 8U31 bezeichnet. Der BM-24 wurde als Nachfolgemodell für den aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg stammenden BM-31-12 -Raketenwerfer (Katjuscha) konzipiert. Im Frühling 1951 wurde der BM-24 bei den Landstreitkräften der UdSSR eingeführt.