BFG9000 | Doom Wiki - Fandom
The BFG9000 appears as a bulky steel-grey gun which fires large balls of green plasma (40 cells per blast). For general purposes it can be considered the most powerful weapon in the game. The initials composing the weapon's name stand for "Big Fucking Gun." It officially stands for "Bio Force Gun" in the 2005 movie. In various materials the name has been bowdlerized as "Big Friggin' Gun" or ...
BFG 9000 (Doom 2016) | Doom Wiki | Fandom
The BFG 9000 is a weapon in DOOM. It is a massively powerful plasma energy weapon which utilizes ionized Argent Energy. Similar to the Chainsaw, it cannot be found on the weapon wheel, and is instead accessible through a dedicated button. By default, this button is "T" on the PC or pressing the topmost face button on a console controller ("Y" for Xbox One, "Triangle" for PS4, "X" for Nintendo ...
BFG9000 (Doom) | Doom Wiki - Fandom
The BFG9000 appears as a large, futuristic, solid metal gun which fires large balls of green plasma. It is the highest damaging weapon in the game. The BFG first appears in a secret area of E3M3: Pandemonium. When picked up, the message "You got the BFG9000! Oh yes." appears. The initials composing the weapon's name stand for "Big Fucking Gun", or "Bio Force Gun", as it is known as in the 2005 ...
BFG 9000 (Doom 3) - Fandom
The BFG 9000 of Doom 3 is is the most advanced and devastating weapon created by the Union Aerospace Corporation. It is a massive arm-mounted firearm, that fires a large ball of green plasma which is powered by a tiny computer chip that emits powerful rays to its intended target before the shot completely explodes, completely obliterating said target. It's …
BFG9000/Doom 64 | Doom Wiki | Fandom
The BFG9000 is a large gun which fires balls of plasma. The BFG's appearance in Doom 64 is slightly different compared to other versions of the game, having a darker appearance and making whirring sounds. When the projectile hits an enemy or wall, it will create a cone-shaped field of damage from its detonation point back to the player, killing or hurting any monsters in its path.
BFG 9000 (Doom Eternal) - Fandom
The BFG 9000 makes a powerful comeback in Doom Eternal, found on the Phobos Base as the main power source of the BFG 10000 superweapon, which is part of the anti-demonic defense grid and is used by the Doom Slayer to shoot a hole into the surface of Mars. In gameplay, it's observed that the reticle will also feature a counter for the amount of enemies killed by the oncoming blast. Additionally ...
BFG 9000 | Doom Wiki | Fandom
El BFG 9000 aparece como un arma grande de metal sólido, que dispara grandes bolas de plasma de color verde (empleando 40 células por explosión). Para propósitos generales se puede considerar la más poderosa arma en el juego de Doom. Las iniciales que componen el nombre del arma significan "Big Fucking Gun" en idioma inglés; está oficialmente nombrada como "Bio Force Gun" para la ...
BFG 9000 | Doom Wiki - Fandom
Caratteristiche []. Un'immagine di Doom II: Hell on Earth: è possibile vedere il BFG 9000 posseduto dal giocatore in fase di "pre-sparo" e un altro in terra.. Il BFG 9000 appare per la prima volta in Doom.Si tratta dell'arma più potente del gioco, ed è ottenibile solamente nel 3° dei tre episodi disponibili; in Doom II: Hell on Earth è ottenibile invece a partire dal settimo livello.
BFG-9000 | Doom Wiki - Fandom
La BFG-9000 regresa como un arma en el relanzamiento de Doom (2016). Es un arma de energía de plasma enormemente poderosa que utiliza energía Argent ionizada. Al igual que la Motosierra, no está presente en la rueda de armas y en su lugar se utiliza una tecla especial (por defecto [T] en PC). En este juego, es una especie de regalo de Samuel Hayden, quien le indica al protagonista dónde ...
BFG-9000/Doom | DOOMPEDIA - Fandom
BFG, большая металлическая пушка, ведёт огонь зелёными шарами плазмы (40 ячеек на взрыв). Для общих целей, его можно считать самым мощным оружием в игре. При нажатии на курок, есть пауза в 30 тиков (около 0,857 секунд), прежде ...