India's Bravehearts | Bharat Ke Veer
Bharat Ke Veer corpus would be managed by a commitee made up of eminent persons of repute and senior government officials, in equal number, who would decide to disburse the fund equitably to the bravehearts family on need basis.
India's Bravehearts | Bharat Ke Veer
You can donate directly to individual braveheart's account (upto max of Rs 20 lakhs onwards 10-10-2023).
India's Bravehearts - Bharat Ke Veer
About Us. The CAPFs are armed forces under the Ministry of Home Affairs and comprise of the following forces : Assam Rifles (AR) engaged in border guarding along Indo-Myanmar border, as well as in counter insurgency operations in the North East. Border Security Force (BSF) guards Indias borders with Pakistan and Bangladesh, and are …
India's Bravehearts - Bharat Ke Veer
( For sending cheques in favour of Bharat Ke Veer ) Managing Trustee, CRPF Directorate General CGO Complex, Lodhi Road New Delhi - 110003 Our Phones. Off.+91 (11) 24360511 Vijay Kumar DC (Welfare Spl. Cell) (Web Information Manager) …
India's Bravehearts - Bharat Ke Veer
You can donate directly to individual braveheart's account (upto max of Rs 20 lakhs onwards 10-10-2023).
- [PDF]
Bharat Ke Veer
BHARAT KE VEER DIRECTOR GENERAL CRPF CGO COMPLEX ,LODHI ROAD JAWAHAR LAL NEHRU STADIUM NEW DELHI 110003 Delhi India PAN. AADTB5021D Application No: CIT(EXEMPTION), 19/80G/10321 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Order for approval under section 80G(5)(vi) of the Income Tax Act, 1961