bioer PCR molecular
Bioer is a specialized provider in the field of molecular diagnostics and life science research, offering integrated solutions that encompass instruments, reagents, and consumables.
杭州博日科技股份有限公司 - bioer.com
公司是国内领先的生命科学与医学诊断产品提供商,专业从事分子检测系列化产品的研发、生产与销售,致力于为临床及非临床客户提供分子检测实验室综合解决方案。 我们根植中国布局全球,拥有一支行业顶尖的全球化、跨领域的研发团队,涵盖软件设计、结构、电路、医学、生物学、农学等各类专业技术人才,我们将技术创新与对市场需求的理解充分融合,建立了浙江省博日分子生物技术研究院、浙江大学—博日科技联合研究中心、浙江省疾病预防控制中心—博日科技“传染 …
Company Overview - Hangzhou Bioer Technology Co., Ltd.
With the development of 20 years, Bioer has become the largest PCR instruments and related equipments supplier in Asia area
Bioer - GenePure Pro fully automatic Nucleic Acid purification System
GenePure Pro is a new generation of automatic nucleic acid purification system with cutting-edge technology and family-style appearance developed by Bioer. It adopts MB separation technology and uses 96-well deep well plate as test carrier to realize automatic high-throughput and high-purity extraction and purification of DNA/RNA.
Bioer - GeneExplorer Thermal Cycler 96 x 0.2ml Gradient with …
The Bioer GeneExplorer™ PCR thermal cycler offers optimal accuracy and versatility to suit all PCR needs. With a new generation central processing unit (CPU) and an intuitive user interface operated using an 8 inch touchscreen, ease of use is unparalleled.
Bioer - LinkedIn
Bioer | 1,385 followers on LinkedIn. We provide the One-Stop Solution. Reagent, consumables, raw materials and machines, all the product that you need for a PCR experiment, you can find them from...
Bioer QuantGene 9600 Real Time PCR Systems - Pro Lab Supply …
QuantGene 9600 real-time PCR systems has adopted mature thermoelectric refrigeration technology, brand-new light source and light path design.
杭州博日科技股份有限公司 - bioer
杭州博日科技股份有限公司为国家级高新技术企业,目前拥有员工人数近600余人。 公司建有省级博日分子生物技术企业研究院,组建了一支国际化的研发团队,涵盖软件设计、结构、电路、医学、生物学、农学等各类专业技术人才,拥有核心研发人员80余名,且与德国、日本等国家的多家研究机构建立了紧密的合作关系,先后建立浙江大学博日科技联合研究中心、浙江省疾病预防控制中心博日科技“传染病原学及检测关键技术研究中心”等研究机构,为博日科技多领域研发方向打 …
Bioer Technology - YouTube
At Bioer, we are passionate about advancing molecular diagnostics and life sciences through cutting-edge innovation and precision engineering.
bioer PCR molecular
The product is an economical qualitative PCR instrument launched by BIOER. It mainly aims at satisfying demands of most users (limited budget but with demand for test). The appearance and fra me de...
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