Novellus - Concept One CVD Dielectric Deposition System
Novellus - Concept One CVD Dielectric Deposition System: The Benchmark in Semiconductor Production Dependability and process flexibility
Introduction: The Novellus Concept One is a plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition system (PECVD), which deposits various dielectric films on silicon wafers. We have the capability to …
for Novellus PECVD Equipment • Proprietary polishing procedure for superb performance • Chemically inert synthetic ruby orifices for consistent processing • Process flexibility by …
ICL / concept1: PECVD deposition of oxides, nitrides, and TEOS
The Concept1 is a PECVD tool for depositing dielectric films on 6" wafers. It allows CMOS compatible metals, making it suitable for backend processes. It is capable of thick films in …
Refractive index – why is it important in PECVD? Refractive index is a good indicator of film composition, i.e. Si:N ratio or Si:O ratio. It can be easily measured by ellipsometer or prism …
Deptec's Novellus C1 Upgrade Kit is Here - Deposition Technology …
Deptec’s Novellus C1 Upgrade Kit is designed to deliver increased efficiency and optimal performance for legacy chemical vapor deposition equipment. Speed: Modernizations …
Novellus - Concept One CVD Dielectric Deposition System
Novellus Concept One Dielectric CVD System. Novellus was among the first to be successful with this new Concept specification.
Concept One CVD DIELECTRIC SYSTEM The Be11chmark i11 Production Dependability and Process Flexibility TI1e Conccpl One is 1he culmina1ion of a rcvolu1ionary de.1igu conce1~ …
NOVELLUS C1-Xinli_Semiconductor Equipment Sales_ Injection …
机型:novellus c1 pecvd. 制造商:novellus. 设备描述:sio2, sin 淀积. 晶圆尺寸:6"/8" 数量:8台. 当前状态:在售
NOVELLUS C1-上海芯立电子科技有限公司 - Xinli_Semi
机型:novellus c1 pecvd. 制造商:novellus. 设备描述:sio2, sin 淀积. 晶圆尺寸:6"/8" 数量:8台. 当前状态:在售
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