C2 domain - Wikipedia
A C2 domain is a protein structural domain involved in targeting proteins to cell membranes. The typical version (PKC-C2) has a beta-sandwich composed of 8 β-strands that co-ordinates two or three calcium ions, which bind in a cavity formed by the first and final loops of the domain, on the membrane binding face.
The C2 domain calcium-binding motif: structural and functional ...
The C2 domain is a Ca(2+)-binding motif of approximately 130 residues in length originally identified in the Ca(2+)-dependent isoforms of protein kinase C. Single and multiple copies of C2 domains have been identified in a growing number of …
C2 Domain - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The C2 domain is a protein module of ∼120 aminoacids present in different enzymes such as PKCs cPLA 2 and PLCs. C2 domains possess 8 antiparallel β-sheets, which define three loops essential for calcium binding.
Identification of Novel Families and Classification of the C2 domain ...
Most studies have concentrated on C2 domains prototyped by those in protein kinase C (PKC-C2) isoforms that bind lipid in a calcium-dependent manner. While two other distinct families of C2 domains, namely those in PI3K-C2 and PTEN-C2 are also recognized, a complete picture of evolutionary relationships within the C2 domain superfamily is lacking.
C2 Protein Domain | Phospholipid Binding - Cell Signaling Technology
The C2 domain is a region containing approximately 130 residues that is found in proteins that bind phospholipids in either a calcium-dependent or calcium-independent manner. C2 domains are found in over 100 different proteins with functions ranging from …
C2 Domain Proteins - SpringerLink
C2 domain proteins are proteins containing the second conserved domain of protein kinase C. The C2 domain is an all-beta domain, consisting of a beta-sandwich of two antiparallel four-stranded beta sheets. C2 domains are found in a wide range of both enzymatic and non-enzymatic proteins involved in signal transduction and membrane trafficking.
Signaling through C2 domains: More than one lipid target
Jun 1, 2014 · C2 domains are membrane-binding modules that share a common overall fold: a single compact Greek-key motif organized as an eight-stranded anti-parallel β-sandwich consisting of a pair of four-stranded β-sheets.
C2 domain plays critical roles in localization of novel C2 domain ...
The C2-domain, originally identified from the a, b, and c isoforms of mammalian Ca 2+-dependent PKC1, contains approximately 130–145 amino acid residues. 3 C2 domain of PKCs is involved in the relocation of PKCs from the cytosol to the membrane …
C2-domains, Structure and Function of a Universal Ca2+-binding Domain*
C 2-domains have diverged evolutionarily into Ca 2+-dependent and Ca 2+-independent forms that interact with multiple targets. Thus, although most C 2-domains are probably Ca 2+-binding domains, they represent a family of versatile protein modules with diverse functions.
SMART: C2 domain annotation - EMBL
SMART detects C2 domains using one or both of two profiles. The C2 domain is a Ca 2+ -dependent membrane-targeting module found in many cellular proteins involved in signal transduction or membrane trafficking.