Centaurs - Mythopedia
Mar 22, 2023 · Bronze man and Centaur (mid-8th century BCE). The Centaur is shown with the body of a man and the trunk and two hind legs of a horse growing out of his lower back. Metropolitan Museum of Art Public Domain. Terracotta lekythos (oil flask) showing a Centaur with the body and four legs of a horse and wielding an uprooted pine tree.
Nessus – Mythopedia
Mar 24, 2023 · Osborne, Robin. “Framing the Centaur: Reading 5th-Century Architectural Sculpture.” In Art and Text in Ancient Greek Culture, edited by Simon Goldhill and Robin Osborne, 52–84. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994. Smith, William. “Nessus (2).” In A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. London: Spottiswoode and ...
Chiron - Mythopedia
May 20, 2023 · Chiron was the wisest and most honorable of the Centaurs, a race of half-man, half-horse creatures. He is best remembered for tutoring the great heroes of Greek mythology, including Jason, Asclepius, and Achilles.
UC CX 76 Centaur | Bloodydecks - BDoutdoors
Oct 31, 2016 · I have one of the Centaur factory rods and tested it on the drag scale in a rail situation this last weekend. I put a Mak 20 on it with 100 spectra and started out at 28# of drag and still had plenty of recoil. Went up to 34# and put a good bend to it but still had more left. This rod is a little more parabolic with a 91/2 tip with a slower taper.
Reel for 80lb tuna set up:UC Centaur? | Bloodydecks - BDoutdoors
Dec 19, 2023 · Never had issues with capacity or stopping the fish. Once fish hits over 150lb though, the power in the rod is reduced and I plan to upgrade to the Centaur this year. But the reel handled everything without issues. I have a spare 12visx I might throw on the Centaur as my 80lb sinker rig setup and downgrade the Raptor/Torque setup for 60lb flyline.
Northeast - UC Xtreme Composite Rail Rods (RCX76 VIPER and …
Dec 8, 2024 · For Sale 2 CUSTOM United Composite Xtreme Composite Rail Rods. Both were built using the indestructible Rail Dawg Grips. 1) UC - RCX76 VIPER lightly used in great condition $500 2) UC - RCX70 CENTAUR NEW, never used $500 FREE SHIPPING CONUS...
Southern California WTS: VISX 16, 76 Centaur, Trinidad 20a
Mar 2, 2025 · United Composites 76 Centaur - $400 United Composites US80 Predator - $350 Shimano Trinidad 20a - $350 United Composites 9E: $325 United Composites GP80 Mega: $325 United Composites CE800 Del Mar: $275 Calstar 800XL cut down a few inches, so fishes heavier: $150 12 ft black CUI blank: $120 Calstar 800m: $100 Graftech 90m: $100
United Composites GPX 76 Centaur | Bloodydecks - BDoutdoors
Jan 21, 2025 · This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register.
Minotaur - Mythopedia
May 20, 2023 · The Minotaur was a hybrid monster (half-bull, half-man) born of the unorthodox union between the queen of Crete and a beautiful bull. The Minotaur was hidden from the world in the Labyrinth, a giant maze, where it was eventually slain by the Athenian hero Theseus.
OSP 2x4 vs. UC 76 Viper | Bloodydecks - BDoutdoors
Jun 6, 2021 · The major difference between the 2x4, Centaur and Viper is in the layup. Original 2x4 had 4 flags of glass and one carbon flag in the tip for reinforcement. Viper and Centaur have 5 flags of glass and 4 flags of carbon. The lift from the rods for the same drag/line class is measurably different as is the amount of recoil. Again they are all ...