Codon optimization with deep learning to enhance protein
Oct 19, 2020 · In this paper, we propose a novel codon optimization method based on deep learning. First, we introduce the concept of codon boxes, via which DNA sequences can be …
Expanding the amino acid repertoire of ribosomal polypeptide …
Feb 1, 2016 · Here we report a method to reduce the redundancy of codons by artificially dividing codon boxes to create vacant codons that can then be reassigned to non-proteinogenic amino …
Table of canonical genetic code provides information on the …
Split codon boxes are those encoding two amino acids (or amino acid(s) plus stop codon; see Fig. 1). Un-split codon boxes encode a single amino acid (e.g., Pro, Ala, Gly).
An integrated, structure- and energy-based view of the genetic code
Sep 9, 2016 · We derive a more information-rich, alternative representation of the genetic code, that is circular with an unsymmetrical distribution of codons leading to a clear segregation …
In vitro genetic code reprogramming and expansion to study …
There have been three main approaches to alter or expand the genetic code in vitro (Fig. 1). Sense codon reprogramming allows for reassignment of a codon box to an ncAA (Fig. 1A). …
Artificial Division of Codon Boxes for Expansion of the Amino Acid ...
Here, we describe the protocol of a recently published method to artificially divide such family codon boxes and encode multiple nonproteinogenic amino acids in addition to the 20 …
Functions of bacterial tRNA modifications: from ubiquity to diversity
In the genetic code table, each codon box contains codons that start with the same two bases but differ by the third base. Hence, each codon box harbors four codons. In split-codon boxes …
In this paper, we propose a novel codon optimization method based on deep learning. First, we introduce the concept of codon boxes, via which DNA sequences can be recoded into codon …
Artificial Division of Codon Boxes for Expansion of the Amino Acid ...
Feb 6, 2018 · Here, we describe the protocol of a recently published method to artificially divide such family codon boxes and encode multiple nonproteinogenic amino acids in addition to the …
ontains eight family codon boxes consisting of synonymous codons that redun-dantly code for the same amino acid. Here, we describe the protocol of a recently published method to artificially …