Zen Studio - Cronus Zen
Cronus Zen provides the highest speed and aiming accuracy possible for console shooters with precision Mouse & Keyboard optimization for the biggest FPS games. The Cronus Zen detects as a controller, so no segmented lobbies – and you also get the ability to mix and match different devices to give you freedom over your playstyle.
Console Gaming Without Limits - Cronus Zen
Cronus Zen has one controller output to your PC or console. However, you add 2 input devices – for example a Controller + Mouse, or a Controller + Keyboard are very powerful combinations. Imagine having a keypad with a different script or macro programmed to each key while using a controller. Most keypads have up to 35 keys. Think about it ...
Cronus Support Forums
Total Discord Members: 120,471 Total Community Members: 685,487 Total Script Downloads: 21,610,658 Total Gamepacks: 197 Total Scripts: 3,662
Keyboard | Cronus GPC Documentation
This is a list of all Keyboard Identifiers. Cronus GPC Documentation. Cronus Community GPC Library GPC Guide
FAQ - Cronus Zen
However, Cronus connects to your console using an original, licensed controller, so the console always believes that you are gaming with a controller meant for the console you are playing on (example you can use an Xbox Elite S2 controller on a PS4, or a mouse and keyboard on an Xbox Series X).
Cronus Support Forums
Total Scripts: 3,669 Total Community Members: 686,899 Total Gamepacks: 197 Total Discord Members: 120,834 Total Script Downloads: 21,636,299
Core Keyboard Functions | Cronus GPC Documentation
Checks if a chosen keyboard modifier is held down (ALT, SHIFT,CTRL, etc.)
Tutorials - Cronus Zen
Setup Mouse & Keyboard. ... please use Script Support in the Cronus Zen Community and staff or other ...
Cronus Zen vs CronusMAX - The Next Generation Has Arrived!
Cronus Zen supports using a mouse, keyboard or keypad while gaming at the same time with a controller, connected directly to the console without a PC. Built-In USB Hub Cronus Zen includes an intergrated high-powered USB Hub chipset.
Cronus Support Forums
Total Community Members: 685,992 Total Script Downloads: 21,618,536 Total Discord Members: 120,601 Total Gamepacks: 197 Total Scripts: 3,663