Dyrroth | Mobile Legends: Bang Bang Wiki | Fandom
Dyrroth, the Prince of the Abyss, is a hero in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. Prince of the Moniyan Empire, raised by Alice and Thamuz after being kidnapped. He won a duel witnessed by Thamuz. After the conflict between Light and Dark, the Son of Darkness was about to represent the lord of the Abyss and lead the Abyssal Army to the [battlefront].
Best Dyrroth build 2025: Items, Emblems & Strategy [Mobile Legends]
Learn more about Dyrroth’s abilities, Items, Emblems & Strategy. Spells are something that you can utilize in-game to give Dyrroth an extra skill. You need get the strongest items for Dyrroth. This is how to make your heroes stronger and easier to win. Sustained DPS. Burst. Attack & Defend. Pro Build (Recommend) Effects items build:
Dyrroth Counter Mobile Legends 2025 - MLCounter
Jun 22, 2024 · Dyrroth can deal burst damage and kill you quickly with Abysm Strike. He is the one who hunts down heroes that are weak and lack mobility. To counter Dyrroth, you should use heroes with CC and mobility skills. Use physical defense items and reduce healing. Dyrroth is very strong 1vs1 so you need to play safe until you are able to defeat him.
Mobile Legends Dyrroth guide: Best build, skills, emblem - ONE …
Feb 5, 2025 · As the Prince of the Abyss, Dyrroth harnesses the power of darkness to become a fearsome fighter hero in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. He can shred enemies using his ability to weaken their physical defense, allowing him to easily …
Dyrroth/Guide | Mobile Legends: Bang Bang Wiki | Fandom
Most spells are suitable for him, but Retribution and Flicker are the most popular. Can quickly jungle with or without Retribution thanks to his Circle Strike and enhanced skills. Decent HP for a fighter. Excels in 1v1. Use the combination 2nd skill - 1st skill and then Ultimate.
Strengths and Weaknesses of Dyrroth Mobile Legends (ML)
Sep 11, 2024 · Dyrroth is one of the heroes in Mobile Legends who comes from the Fighter role. Dyrroth itself is still quite often used in the current meta and plays as an offlaner. This fighter hero is considered quite strong and can provide great damage even though it is still in the early game.
Dyrroth - Liquipedia Mobile Legends: Bang Bang Wiki
Prince of the Moniyan Empire, raised by Alice and Thamuz after being kiddnapped. He won a duel witnessed by Lord Lava Thamuz. After the conflict between Light and Dark, the Son of Darkness was about to represent the Lord of the Abyss and lead the Abyssal Army to the battle front.
[Top 3] Mobile Legends Best Dyrroth Builds For Winning Games
Aug 17, 2023 · With his ranged ability to lock on and pursue opponents, Dyrroth, also known as the Prince of Life Steal, is a robust Fighter who is widely acknowledged as a renowned core, roam, and gank hero. He is also a superb laner who specializes in Charge/Burst, which increases his tactical versatility.
Build Dyrroth Tersakit 2024 untuk Patch Terbaru Saat Ini
Jul 9, 2024 · Dyrroth merupakan hero Fighter Mobile Legends yang memiliki role Fighter yang cocok untuk mengisi EXP Lane. Pada META saat ini, Dyrroth juga diandalkan sebagai Jungler karena ledakan miliknya sangat mematikan. Untuk memenangkan pertandingan, kamu membutuhkan build Dyrroth tersakit 2024.
Kelebihan dan Kelemahan Dyrroth Mobile Legends (ML)
Sep 10, 2024 · Dyrroth adalah salah satu hero di Mobile Legends yang berasal dari role Fighter. Dyrroth sendiri masih cukup sering digunakan pada meta saat ini dan bermain sebagai offlaner. Hero fighter satu ini dinilai cukup kuat dan bisa memberikan damage yang besar walaupun masih di …