8.3.0 | PTB - BHVR
Aug 10, 2012 · Content Finisher Mori. The killer may now kill the last survivor by performing a Mori. Improvements have been made to the cinematic Mori camera to better highlight these end of trial kills.
7.7.0 | PTB - BHVR
Important Progress & save data information has been copied from the Live game to our PTB servers on 2024/04/01.
7.5.0 | PTB - BHVR
Jun 8, 2010 · There is a new settings option in DbD! Players now have the ability to adjust their FOV, or field-of-view, with a slider in the Settings Menu. This allows players with a first-person-camera (killers, with the exception of The Good Guy) to adjust their field-of-view, reducing motion-sickness and other accessibility issues.
8.5.0 | PTB Patch Notes - BHVR
For this PTB, both The Nightmare & Quentin Smith will be available to all, for a limited time, as part of this feature. Modified map repeat prevention system to be based on Realms Characters' default and prestige cosmetics now have outfits in the outfit tab
7.4.0 | PTB - BHVR
Jun 8, 2010 · Killer Updates - The Trickster. Movement speed increased from 4.4 m/s to 4.6 m/s. Removed recoil for throwing knives.
8.0.0 | PTB - BHVR
Aug 10, 2012 · Killer Updates The Blight - Addons. Compound Thirty-Three Increases Rush turn rate by 11%. (was 33%) Increases Rush duration by 11%.
8.4.0 | PTB Patch Notes - BHVR
This article was created from a community discussion. Important Progress & save data information has been copied from the Live game to our PTB servers on 28th October.
Developer Update | January 2024 PTB - BHVR
The Blight received a bunch of Add-On changes during the PTB. After watching them closely and reviewing feedback, we’ve identified a few troublemaking Add-Ons which we’d like to address before the update releases. Compound Thirty-Three. On the PTB, this Add-On increased The Blight’s turn rate by 33% for each consecutive rush.
Developer Update | January 2025 PTB - BHVR
After delivering a major update to The Nightmare’s Power and Perks, we’ve been steadily unpacking all the feedback we’ve received post-PTB. We’re pleased to see that many enjoyed the changes to The Nightmare’s Power, which ensured players could use Dream Snares and Dream Pallets without having to choose one or the other.…
Developer Update | March 2024 - BHVR
Spring has sprung, and so has a new Developer Update! In this post, we’ll share everything we’ve been working on for our next update. As always, these changes will first head to the Public Test Build on Steam. We encourage you to give them a try if you can and let us know what you think! [CHANGE] Reduced the time it takes…