Dikaryon - Wikipedia
The formation of a dikaryon is a plesiomorphic character for the subkingdom Dikarya, which consists of the Basidiomycota and the Ascomycota. The formation of croziers in the …
DIKARYOTIC Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster Medical
5 days ago · The meaning of DIKARYOTIC is characterized by the presence of two nuclei in each cell.
cell biology - What is the difference between "dikaryotic" and ...
In the Ascomycota and Basidiomycota, this phase is termed "dikaryotic", whereas in other fungal phyla the phase is "heterokaryotic." What is the difference here? Is it purely number of nuclei …
What is the Difference Between Heterokaryotic and Dikaryotic
May 28, 2020 · The main difference between heterokaryotic and dikaryotic is that heterokaryotic organisms have two or more genetically different nuclei, whereas dikaryotic organisms have …
Dikaryotic vs. Diploid - What's the Difference? | This vs. That
Dikaryotic cells have two distinct haploid nuclei within a single cell, while diploid cells have two sets of chromosomes. The genetic composition of dikaryotic cells allows for genetic diversity …
Dikaryotic | definition of Dikaryotic by Medical dictionary
Looking for online definition of Dikaryotic in the Medical Dictionary? Dikaryotic explanation free. What is Dikaryotic? Meaning of Dikaryotic medical term. What does Dikaryotic mean?
Dikaryotic - definition of Dikaryotic by The Free Dictionary
Define Dikaryotic. Dikaryotic synonyms, Dikaryotic pronunciation, Dikaryotic translation, English dictionary definition of Dikaryotic. n. A hypha occurring in certain fungi after sexual …
Dikaryotic Fungal Cells: Structure, Genetics, and Expression
Unlike typical diploid or haploid cells, dikaryotic cells contain two genetically different nuclei within a single cell, presenting intriguing biological phenomena. Understanding the structure, …
Establishing an unusual cell type: How to make a dikaryon
The dikaryons of basidiomycete fungi represent an unusual cell type required for complete sexual development. Dikaryon formation occurs via the activities of cell type-specific homeodomain …
Dikaryon vs. Heterokaryon - What's the Difference? | This vs. That
Dikaryon and heterokaryon are two types of fungal cell structures that involve the fusion of two different nuclei. In a dikaryon, two genetically distinct nuclei coexist within a single cell, each …