Discworld Character Sheets - Steve Jackson Games Forums
Dec 31, 2016 · Discworld Character Sheets GURPS. On page 24 of the rule book there is a character sheet. Is there anywhere I can get a PDF copy?
The Discworld Roleplaying Game (now available in PDF ... - Steve ...
Jun 23, 2017 · The Discworld Roleplaying Game (now available in PDF) GURPS
Discworld Magic - Steve Jackson Games Forums
Mar 21, 2008 · Especially since Discworld Magic isn't usually described as "tiring" the spellcaster, but is rather known for perticularly nasty magical backfires. Taking this idea further, a Mage's "Level" could represent his average Threshold level, with apprentices having low Threshold, and archmages having a very high one.
The Discworld RPG - Occupations Gone... - Steve Jackson Games …
Jan 22, 2017 · The Discworld RPG had a bunch of stuff squeezed out to fit in a mere 408 pages, including some templates of maybe marginal usefulness. So I'll post them here, starting with the cheapest. See also p.139 of the book.
Discworld Zombie - Steve Jackson Games Forums
Nov 21, 2013 · I'd like to point out that the AMCW subseries is my favorite section of the discworld novels, and Night Watch is entirely my favorite Novel. On the side, I'm making a character named Edna Coates, who is the neice of Ned Coates, and interestingly enough, was one of Carcer's victims (unreported because she later left the scene).
Time Stop - Page 2 - Steve Jackson Games Forums
Oct 25, 2004 · Err, doesn't Discworld have some sort of odd timeline? It doesn't work right or something. I seem to remember monks sorting it all out. My point is, this ability might not work in a normal area of space. BTW, have you tried the GURPS Discworld book or Discworld Also. They might have this in it.
DiscWorld Character Sheet (PDF) - Steve Jackson Games Forums
May 15, 2017 · I know the DiscWorld book itself isn't in PDF or planned for such right now. I'm wondering if there's any plans to put up the DiscWorld character sheet, though (or if folks are doing any fan-based solutions)? Or if anyone's seen it …
Racial Template List - Steve Jackson Games Forums
Jun 23, 2013 · Racial Template List GURPS Resources. Bioshell (GURPS Transhuman Space: Changing Times, p.59) [31] Bioshell, Algonaut (GURPS Transhuman Space: Bioroid Bazaar, p.
Assorted Demo Scenarios - Steve Jackson Games Forums
Jul 8, 2024 · And I've just added a half-dozen more Discworld scenarios to the site. (I'm now realising that I mostly only got into the habit of typing up my game notes in the last few years. If I can excavate older hand-written notes, I may scan them, if I think that the world can stand the sight of my handwriting.) _____--
GURPS Game Aids: Files - Steve Jackson Games Forums
Jun 6, 2018 · This is the right place to post descriptions of and links to game aids in the form of non-executable files for download.