Hathor - Forgotten Realms Wiki
Hathor, (pronounced: /ˈhɑːθɔːr/ HA-thor[1]) known as Hatharia in Thay and Hathelya in Unther, was a kind and compassionate member of the Mulhorandi pantheon. She was seen as a caring mother figure to those that followed her.[2]
Hathor, a D&D 5e deity | Gods and Deities | The Thieves Guild
The benevolent deity Hathor is part of the Pharaonic and Mulhorandi Pantheons. She is a deity of music and dance, art and inspiration. Her broad portfolio also includes influence over love and motherhood, the moon, and fate.
Hathor - PathfinderWiki
Hathor is a cow-headed deity and a member of the pantheon often worshiped in Ancient Osirion. 1 Known as the Mistress of Jubilation, Hathor's portfolio includes dance, joy, love, music, trade, and the sky. 2
SRD5:Hathor - Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Apr 18, 2023 · Hathor. Type: Deity Portfolio: Love, music, and motherhood Alignment: Neutral Good Domains: Life, Light Symbol: Horned cow's head with lunar disk Worshipers: Humans Pantheon: Egyptian
Hathor - Deities of Faerûn - Mulh Pantheon - Realms Helps
Hathor. Power: Lesser deity Title: The Nurturing Mother, the Quiet One, Dancer of Fortune Alignment: NG Worshipers: LG, NG ... Dungeons & Dragons ©1995 - 2025 Wizards of the Coast. The Forgotten Realms was created by Ed Greenwood circa 1967.
Hathor (PP) | Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
Anhur · Geb · Gilgeam · Hathor · Horus-Re · Isis · Nephthys · Osiris · Sebek · Set · Thoth · Tiamat: Text Name Level Sphere(s) Horns of Hathor: Level 2: Combat, Animal Nurture: Level 2: ... Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. View Mobile Site
Hathor | Forgotten Realms Cormyr Wiki | Fandom
Hathor (haa-thor) is known for her soft speech, which is like receiving comforting words following a raging argument, words that seem gentle because they dispel anger and sadness. Her laughter is like the joy of an infant, and all babies are precious to …
hathor thither and yon dnd - Search - D&D Beyond
achieving milestones rather than defeating monsters: Entering a Hag’s Realm. Whenever the characters enter a hag’s realm (Hither, Thither, or Yon) for the first time, everyone in the party receives enough. Hither, Thither, and Yon. Lodged between them is the Palace of Heart’s Desire—the home of Prismeer’s archfey ruler, Zybilna.
dnd 5e 2014 - What is the complete list of good-aligned gods of …
Oct 17, 2019 · Hathor—Appearing as a cow-headed woman, Hathor is really an Egyptian goddess, though the Forgotten Realms stole her for the Mulhorandi pantheon. She’s a mother goddess, about birth, fertility, healing, life, and so on.
Hathor - Riordan Wiki
Hathor is the Egyptian goddess of love, beauty, music, and joy. She is the alternate form of Sekhmet, the goddess of war. Sekhmet, Hathor's original form, was once the “Eye of Ra ”, sent by the sun god to go down to Earth in order to exact retribution on …