Dorestad - Wikipedia
Dorestad (Dorestat, Duristat) was an early medieval emporium, located in the present-day province of Utrecht in the Netherlands, close to the modern-day town of Wijk bij Duurstede.
Dorestad: Carolingians vs. Vikings - CultureFrontier
Sep 18, 2023 · Under the rule of the Frankians, or the Carolingian Empire, Dorestad thrived as a meeting point, a coin mint, and a bustling trade center for centuries, despite frequent warfare and raids. Two and a half centuries later it was gone.
Dorestad | ancient city, Netherlands | Britannica
Dorestad, the centre of the Frisian trade, fell into decay not so much as a result of Viking raids (it was rebuilt after each one) as of a change in the course of the river upon whose banks the town was situated. Dorestad’s leading position…
Dorestad | Early Medieval Archaeology - Archeurope
Dorestad was an early medieval trading emporium with a harbour and cemetry in the delta region of the River Rhine and the River Maas in the Netherlands, close to the modern town of Wijk bij Duurstede. The site was occupied from c. 675 to 875 A.D. and was attacked by the Vikings on several occasions during the 9th century.
Dorestad, economic crossroads | The Eighth Century and All That
Oct 1, 2017 · If towns like Poitiers were the spiritual heart of the realm, and Aachen the political center, Dorestad was one of the economic hubs of the empire. And if it was anything like port cities the world over, probably one of the most fun places to visit as well.
Dorestad en de Vikingen - Canon van Nederland
Dorestad was in de 8 e en 9 e eeuw de grootste en rijkste plaats van Nederland en hét handelscentrum van Noordwest Europa. Ook de Vikingen vonden deze plek zeer interessant. Zij bezorgden de inwoners van Dorestad veel narigheid.
Dorestad, lost medieval Frisian city - stevenroyedwards.com
Dorestad was a medieval Frisian city on a branch of the Rhine delta near the center of modern Netherlands. Dorestad is obliterated now, through the vagaries of geology and history; but in its day it was the pre-eminent regional city.
Battle of Dorestad - Wikipedia
The Battle of Dorestad was a 7th-century battle between the Franks and the Frisians. The battle took place around 695 by the capital city of the Frisians close to the Rhine. The Franks were victorious in the battle under the Austrasian mayor of the palace, Pepin of Herstal. [2]
Dorestad - Een eeuwenoud handelscentrum - Historiek
Feb 7, 2024 · Dorestad, vroeg-middeleeuws handelscentrum met internationale allure. Stond in verbinding met Scandinavië, de Oostzee, Engeland, Frankrijk en Duitsland.
Dorestad - Wikipedia
De voornaamste reden dat Dorestad zich als een bloeiende handelsplaats ontpopte, lijkt van verkeersgeografische aard. Dorestad bevond zich op het kruispunt van twee belangrijke handelsroutes over water. Via de ene route had de stad een verbinding via de Kromme Rijn, Utrechtse Vecht en het Almere met de Friese gebieden en Wadden.
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