Matthews Paint Duronodic Bronze Met. / 20147 / #968674 Hex …
In the RGB color model #968674 is composed of 58.82% red, 52.55% green and 45.49% blue. In the HSL color space #968674 has a hue of 32° (degrees), 14% saturation and 52% lightness. This color has an approximate wavelength of 580.16 nm.
Match of Coronado Paints™ 424 Duronodic Bronze
The RGB values for Coronado Paints 424 Duronodic Bronze are 77, 67, 58 and the HEX code is #4D433A. The LRV for Coronado Paints 424 Duronodic Bronze is 5.92. The LRV stands for Light Reflectance Value and measures the percentage of light that a color reflects.
Duranodic PMS color? - Signs101.com: Largest Forum for …
Mar 28, 2011 · Try RGB: R=87 G =76 B=52 which also works out to CMYK: C=51 M=57 Y=82 K=43. I normally work in the Adobe1998 color profile as it offers the widest color gamut for CMYK digital printing. Anyone happen to know a PMS color that's close to Duranodic Bronze? Thanks! Did any of these colors work for you? Dammit, make it faster!! 18 Years and Counting...
Bronze / #cd7f32 hex color - ColorHexa
In a RGB color space, hex #cd7f32 (also known as Bronze) is composed of 80.4% red, 49.8% green and 19.6% blue. Whereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 0% cyan, 38% magenta, 75.6% yellow and 19.6% black.
CMYK/RGB Color Matrix | Matthews Paint
This convenient online tool allows you to cross-reference and search any Matthews Paint color easily by Matthews Paint Number, color family or LRV, to get integer CMYK or RGB values. Click on any of the MP #, Color Name, LRV, Color Family or Chip # …
Matthews paint Duronodic Bronze Met. (MP20147) HEX code
061/68001 Dark Bronze vs Duronodic Bronze Met. Simmilar or marginally close HEX code represents these equivalent colors between various brands and color standards. You can easily see the details (HEX, RGB, CMYK and more) of any listed color, just click the name and navigate to the color's subpage.
50+ Shades of Bronze Color (Names, HEX, RGB, & CMYK Codes)
Mar 6, 2024 · There are several shades of bronze, including light bronze, dark bronze, metallic bronze, antique bronze, and more. Each variation has its own unique blend of brown, gold, and sometimes reddish undertones.
Matthews Paint Duronodic 313 Met. / 20190 / #625150 Hex Color Code, RGB ...
In the RGB color model #625150 is composed of 38.43% red, 31.76% green and 31.37% blue. In the HSL color space #625150 has a hue of 3° (degrees), 10% saturation and 35% lightness. This color has an approximate wavelength of 604.12 nm.
Palette: Duranodic Bronze — Art & Design Inspiration at …
Library Palette Duranodic Bronze . Edit Save (0) Share. Tweet; Fullscreen palette: Duranodic Bronze. Duranodic Bronze. CSS codes for this palette. #hex rgb() hsl() Enable Alpha Transparency. Copy To Clipboard. Copied! August 2 nd 2011 Download. Adobe Illustrator (Ai) Swatch; Adobe Photoshop (PSD) Swatch; InDesign Color Swatch; GPL (Gimp) Color ...
Duronodic Bronze Met. (MP20147) vs Curio grey (SW 0024)
The swatch sample for Duronodic Bronze Met. (MP20147) color is depicted on the left side a little bit lower on this page. The second color (depicted on the right side) is named Curio grey and also has a refference code SW 0024 assigned to it.