Електромрежа Србије – ЕМС АД
АД Електромрежа Србије. Београд, Кнеза Милоша 11, МБ: 20054182, ПИБ: СР 103921661. Девелопед бy: АВИ ...
Контакт – Електромрежа Србије - ems.rs
Акционарско друштво „Електромрежа Србије” ПОСЛОВНА ЗГРАДА ЕМС-а, Београд, Кнеза Милоша 11 Централа, Телефон; 011/3330-620 ЕМаил: [email protected]
Цонтацт – Електромрежа Србије - ems.rs
Јоинт Стоцк Цомпанy "Електромреза Србије" ЕМС ОФФИЦЕ БУИЛДИНГ, Белграде, Кнеза Милоша 11 Сwитцхбоард, Телепхоне; 011/3330-620 Емаил: [email protected]
Електромрежа Србије – ЕМС АД - ems.rs
АД Електромреза Србије. Белграде, Кнеза Милоша 11, ИД нумбер: 20054182, ПИБ: СР 103921661. Девелопед бy ...
EMS will be subject to all rights and responsibilities attributed to the Auction Office. Auction Platform– an electronic web-based trade portal operated by the Auction Office available at https://damas.ems.rs. Daily Auctions provided by the Auction Office are carried out through the Auction Platform.
EMS AD - Portal
Web site created using create-react-app
Capacity between bidding zones of MAVIR ZRt. (“MAVIR”) and EMS AD Beograd (“EMS”) for 2024 set in Intraday Allocation Rules. Intraday Capacity Right (hereinafter referred to as “ICR”) - refer to the obligation of the Registered Participant to use Allocated Intraday Capacity, in its full amount, for electricity
Пословодство – Електромрежа Србије - ems.rs
Јелена Матејић је генерални директор Акционарског друштва „Електромрежа Србије“, Београд
JSC EMS Transparency platform
In accordance with the Energy Act, which transposes EU Regulation no. 543/2013, EMS AD is obliged to publish data related to the electricity market in Serbia. The platform is under development. Upon completion of the implementation, EMS AD will publish all relevant consumption, transmission and balancing data within the deadlines defined in the ...
Capacity between the Bidding Zones of EMS AD Beograd (“EMS”) and AD MEPSO (“MEPSO”) for 2022. Intraday Capacity Right (hereinafter referred to as “ICR”) - refer to the obligation of the Registered Participant to use Allocated Intraday Capacity, in its full amount, for electricity transfers expressed in MW.