In this connection, Professor Iosif Shklovsky, Russia's greatest radio astronomer, has cited the profound crises which lie in wait for a developing civilization, any one of which may well prove …
Grey alien - Wikipedia
Grey aliens, also referred to as Zeta Reticulans, Roswell Greys, Alien Greys, or simply, Greys, [a] are purported extraterrestrial beings. They are frequent subjects of close encounters and alien …
Meet EBE, the First Captured Alien - YouTube
introducing EBE (extra-terrestrial Biological entity), the first alien apparently captured from the UFO roswell crash which occured in 1949.William Cooper re...
Release #36: The UNtold Story of EBE #1 at Roswell - Serpo Org …
Ebe #1 was shown the items recovered in the Roswell crash site. Ebe #1 was able to teach us how to utilize the communication and energy devices. We also found a medical kit, which …
Extraterrestrial Biological Entities - Internet Sacred Text Archive
(EBE's friend, by 1964 a colonel, was among those who were there to greet the aliens who landed at Holloman.) Subsequently, it would be referred to as EBE-1, since in later years another …
E.B.E. (The X-Files) - Wikipedia
" E.B.E. " (short for extraterrestrial biological entity) is the seventeenth episode of the first season of the American science fiction television series The X-Files, premiering on the Fox network on …
Creepy Theories About the Yellow Book and the Ebens - Ranker
Apr 22, 2024 · An Eben nicknamed Ebe #1 spent years teaching us how to use his communication device, so he could contact his home planet. Through a series of messages, …
The Life of Ebe-1 (Skinny Bob) | PDF | Tone (Linguistics) - Scribd
EBE-1 died in 1952 and his body was returned to his people in 1964 during a meeting in New Mexico. The document provides an account of an extraterrestrial being known as EBE-1 or …
EBE - Exopaedia
EBE. EBE stands for Extra-terrestrial Biological Entity. The word was probably first used in 1949 when a surviving crew member of a crashed UFO was found near Roswell, New Mexico. (A …
When EBE-1 Arrived on Earth… What US Scientists Learned ... - YouTube
EBE: What is an EBE? How did EBE-1 arrive on Earth? What did EBE tell US Scientists? This episode discloses the EBE story.Follow the FULLL Series here: https...