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Egyptian Paste
Invented by the Egyptians some 7,000 years ago, Egyptian paste is a body containing little or no clay, which can be modeled, carved into simple forms, or pressed into molds. Egyptian paste is ba-sically a self-glazing, low-clay modeling material. It has a high silica and high soluble alkaline flux component and an abnormally low clay content.
How To Make Egyptian Paste - Blue Terracotta
Aug 13, 2010 · I love ceramics and all things Egyptian, especially the lovely turquoise objects made from a self-glazing low-fire clay body. You know, the beads, small dishes and shabti dolls you see in museums. So here’s how it went for me:
ArtMind: How to make Egyptian paste?
Apr 11, 2010 · Egyptian Paste was used by the Egyptians, as far back as 7,000 years ago. Lots of items made from this material have been found in Egyptian burial tombs. Egyptian Paste is a self-glazing, low-firing clay body that was probably discovered by accident back in those days.
Egyptian Paste: Building Sculpturally with Color
Apr 29, 2019 · Egyptian paste or Egyptian faience is a low-fire mixture of ceramic materials containing clay, sand, colorants, frits, and soluble salts. These salts effervesce to the surface along with water as the paste slowly dries, forming crystals, which create a self-glazing clay-glaze hybrid once fired.
Egyptian Paste (aka Faience): The Tried-and-true Recipe
Aug 18, 2005 · I’m doing some Egyptian paste research right now, very happy to have found this! I’ve tried a few recipes and narrowed it down to one I like. Now trying different colors and approaches—marbleized seems most effective to me.
Egyptian faience (Egyptian paste) recipe - Blogger
Apr 10, 2014 · I did a quick look at a collection of recipes for this kind of Egyptian faience (efflorescent, or self-glazing, Egyptian faience) and found a range of .5 - 6.0% copper carbonate and .7 - 3.0% copper oxide.
Aubrey’s Egyptian Paste | Glazy
Apr 7, 2022 · Note that the terms Egyptian paste, Egyptian faience are not considered historically accurate and the preferred term now is “Glazed Composition” by most major museums.
Egyptian Paste - Seattle Pottery Supply
Egyptian Paste is a low-fire mixture that contains clay, sand, colorants, frits, and soluble salts. When the paste dries, the salts rise to the surface along with water, forming crystals that create a glaze when fired. Egyptian paste—also known as Egyptian Faience— is a self-glazing clay.
Deborah Sigel's Egyptian Paste
Published in "Push/Pull: The Art of Deborah Sigel" by Mary Cloonan, in the Mar/Apr 2014 issue of Pottery Making Illustrated. Mixing: Start with 33% water as each colorant takes a different amount of water, cobalt carbonate needing a good bit more than the others.
Egyptian Paste (aka Faience)
Aug 8, 2005 · Egyptian Paste (aka Faience) Experimenting in all facets of Egyptian paste, mixing clay, construction techniques, firing solutions, and finishing ie. cold working is in the scope of our discussion.