Exercise Your Power! | Solar & Pedal Power
The ELF can achieve 20 MPH with electric assist, and 30 MPH with pedaling. UP TO 122 MILE RANGE The ELF’s electric motor can transport you up to 122 miles with no pedaling!
Information | Organic Transit
The ELF—now standard with dynamic dampening suspension and EZ Ergonomic Sliding Seat. The ELF is a solar and pedal hybrid vehicle powered by you and the sun. “The most efficient …
ELF 2FR - Organic Transit
What could be more fun than riding your ELF? Riding with friends on board, of course! The ELF 2FR allows multiple passengers to ride along with you, seated on a comfortable padded seat …
Welcome to the future of urban eco-mobility | Organic Transit
Announcing ELF 1.5—now standard with dynamic dampening suspension and EZ Ergonomic Sliding Seat. The ELF is a solar and pedal hybrid vehicle powered by you and the sun. “The …
Tactical ELF - Organic Transit
Organic Transit’s Tactical ELF, which is a CLass 3 E-Bike, gives you the advantage for community policing, events management, corporate and academic campus maintenance and …
TV Spotlight - Organic Transit
The ELF will be in the TV spotlight Monday night at 9pm EST on the Science Channel. The show How It’s Made is featuring a segment on the ELF that will take viewers on an adventure …
ELF | Organic Transit
I've always been a huge fan of velomobiles and covered the ELF a while back and got in touch with Rob and was chatting with him and basically convinced him to record this interview with …
White ELF For Website - Organic Transit
White ELF For Website. Organic Transit P.O. 91714 1 Floretta Pl, Room 208 Raleigh, NC 27676-9902 Email: [email protected] Phone: 919-355-8184. More Links. ELF 2FR . SAFETY & …
1399078332000-elf-trike1 | Organic Transit
Organic Transit P.O. 91714 1 Floretta Pl, Room 208 Raleigh, NC 27676-9902 Email: [email protected] Phone: 919-355-8184
walkingwithELF-350×348 | Organic Transit
Organic Transit P.O. 91714 1 Floretta Pl, Room 208 Raleigh, NC 27676-9902 Email: [email protected] Phone: 919-355-8184