ENLARGE Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of ENLARGE is to make larger : extend. How to use enlarge in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Enlarge.
ENLARGE | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
ENLARGE meaning: 1. to become bigger or to make something bigger: 2. to print a bigger copy of a photograph or…. Learn more.
ENLARGE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
ENLARGE definition: 1. to become bigger or to make something bigger: 2. to print a bigger copy of a photograph or…. Learn more.
Enlarge - definition of enlarge by The Free Dictionary
1. to make larger; increase in extent, bulk, or quantity; add to: to enlarge a house. 2. to increase the capacity or scope of; expand. 3. to make (a photographic print) larger than the negative by …
ENLARGE definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
When you enlarge something or when it enlarges, it becomes bigger. The college has announced its intention to enlarge its stadium.
ENLARGE definition in American English - Collins Online Dictionary
When you enlarge something or when it enlarges, it becomes bigger. The college has announced its intention to enlarge its stadium.
Enlarge - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms | Vocabulary.com
When you enlarge something, you make it bigger. If you build a huge addition on the side of your house, you enlarge it. You can enlarge a sand castle by dumping another bucket of sand on it, …
enlarge - WordReference.com Dictionary of English
en•large (en lärj′), USA pronunciation v., -larged, -larg•ing. v.t. to make larger; increase in extent, bulk, or quantity; add to: They enlarged the house by adding an east wing. to increase the …
Enlarge Definition & Meaning - YourDictionary
Enlarge definition: To make larger in size.
en·large - Wordsmyth
to increase the size, volume, or amount of; cause to be larger. The museum is enlarging its collection of modern art. to cause to have a greater range or capacity; expand. We need to …
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