Fix Ethernet connection problems in Windows - Microsoft Support
If your PC doesn’t have an Ethernet port but you want to try this option, you might consider getting a USB to Ethernet adapter. If you’re using an Ethernet connection and can’t connect to the internet, there are a few things you can try to try to fix the problem and get connected.
Επιδιόρθωση προβλημάτων σύνδεσης Ethernet στα Windows
Εάν δεν μπορείτε να συνδεθείτε στο δίκτυο Ethernet σε κανέναν υπολογιστή, μπορεί να είναι πρόβλημα με τον δρομολογητή, τον πάροχο υπηρεσιών Διαδικτύου ή τον προσαρμογέα USB σε Ethernet.
Windows'ta Ethernet bağlantısı sorunlarını düzeltme
Bilgisayarınızda Ethernet bağlantı noktası yoksa ancak bu seçeneği denemek istiyorsanız USB-Ethernet bağdaştırıcısı almayı düşünebilirsiniz. Ethernet bağlantısı kullanıyorsanız ve İnternet'e bağlanamıyorsanız sorunu çözmek ve bağlanmak için deneyebileceğiniz birkaç şey vardır.
Screen mirroring and projecting to your PC or wireless display
Note: The Wireless Display app is available on devices running Windows 11, version 22H2 and later.If you're running an earlier version of Windows, launch the Connect app by entering connect in the search box on the taskbar, and selecting Connect in the list of results. To find out which version of Windows you're running, see Which version of Windows operating system am I …
Essential Network Settings and Tasks in Windows
For an Ethernet network, select Ethernet, then select the Ethernet network you’re connected to. Next to IP assignment, select Edit. Under Edit IP settings, select Automatic (DHCP) or Manual.
Use the Surface USB-C to Ethernet and USB 3.0 Adapter
The Surface USB-C to Ethernet and USB 3.0 Adapter lets you connect to a network using a wired Ethernet connection. This adapter works with any Surface that has a USB-C port. To determine if a Surface has a USB-C port, check the features page for the device.
Share a printer as a network printer - Microsoft Support
In the Network & internet window, select either Wi-Fi or Ethernet . The IP address of the primary Windows device can be found next to IPv4 address: . Make a note of this IP address for use when setting up the shared printer on other Windows devices.
Download drivers and firmware for Surface - Microsoft Support
Select the link for your model to get the latest firmware and drivers for sound, display, ethernet, and Wi-Fi. Choose your Surface device model Select your Surface Surface Studio Surface Pro Surface Laptop Surface Hub Surface Go Surface Dock Surface Book Surface 3
Use your Windows device as a mobile hotspot - Microsoft Support
Turn your Windows device into a mobile hotspot by sharing your internet connection with other devices over Wi-Fi. You can share a Wi-Fi, Ethernet, or cellular data connection. If your device has a cellular data connection and you share it, it will use data from your data plan. Open Mobile hotspot settings. Turn on mobile hotspot in Settings
Устранение проблем с подключением Ethernet в Windows
Если вы не можете подключиться к сети Ethernet с любого компьютера, причиной проблемы может быть маршрутизатор, поставщик услуг Интернета или адаптер USB-Ethernet.