Hello from foomo project docs | foomo project docs
foomo is an open source project, that has been maintained by the bestbytes team since 2011. It provides a wide range of utilities, libraries and daemons, that help us to tackle challenging …
Workflow | foomo project docs
Workflow Initial setup in a project. define a central place for your Go service interface definitions; define a central place where your TypeScript client code will be generated to
Hello, World! | foomo project docs
Enter your name in a form, send it to the server and get a greeting in return.
Frontend Guide | foomo project docs
In this section you will find a guide on how to develop frontends with the foomo stack. Please also see the general guide.
Play with the test API | foomo project docs
Clone the gocontentful repository from [github.com/foomo/gocontentful] and open it in your IDE. The repository includes an offline representation of a Contentful space that can is used for …
Working remotely | foomo project docs
The foomo team has extensive experience working remotely as we are a distributed team. Disclaimer: we are almost exclusively working in one timezone. Requirements
Devops Guide | foomo project docs
How to run apps with foomo in the cloud. manage your infrasture as code with terraform; run apps on kubernetes; use squadron to make k8s more accessible
gotsrpc.yaml | foomo project docs
gotsrpc.yaml. Typically there will be one central gotsrpc.yaml file per project.. Purpose Go code generation rules. service proxy generation; client generation; TypeScript code generation rules
setup your workspace | foomo project docs
Edit this page. Previous. RTFM
Getting started | foomo project docs
Getting started. clone and play with the playground; follow workflow instructions; understanding the very simple RPC protocol will not hurt; When using TypeScript clients. implement a …