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Apr 22, 2019 · The Major Mobility Investment Program (MMIP) projects focus on improving mobility in congested regions of the state with a vision to boost Georgia’s competitiveness. The projects identified will improve quality of life and build a better Georgia by creating additional capacity, improve freight movement, provide transportation improvements and ...
gdot | MMIP
MMIP Home; Board; Employment; Blog; News; Contact Us; Projects . 16@95 IMPROVEMENTS; I-75 Commercial Vehicle Lanes; I-85 Widening, Phase I; I-85 Widening, Phase II (SR 53 to US 129) I-285 Advanced Projects; I-285 Express Lanes; I-285 Eastside Express Lanes; I-285 Top End Express Lanes; I-285 Westside Express Lanes; I-285/I-20 East Interchange ...
Major Projects - Georgia DOT
GDOT Currently selected; MajorProjects Major Projects - Georgia DOT Major Projects Interchange Projects I-16/I-75 Interchange I-75 at Bethlehem Road Interchange ... (MMIP) Major Interchange Projects I-16 at I-95 Improvement & I-16 Widening from I-95 to I-516 I-285/I-20 East Interchange I-285/I-20 West Interchange.
I-285 Express Lanes | MMIP
Georgia DOT is conducting studies, including environmental, to help determine alignments, express lanes configurations, and access points for the I-285 Top End Express Lanes. The Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) is in development with a Public Hearing Open House (PHOH) anticipated in 2024.
Transportation Funding - Georgia DOT
Major Mobility Investment Program (MMIP) Georgia DOT is advancing major mobility projects across the state that will yield a significant reduction in congestion along key freight and passenger corridors.
Mobility Investment Program (MMIP) projects were pinpointed that will create additional capacity, improve freight movement, provide transportation improvements and efficiencies, enhance safety, and decrease travel times.
I-285 Eastside Express Lanes
The express lanes on I-285 are part of Georgia DOT’s Major Mobility Investment Program (MMIP), the largest investment in state transportation infrastructure with projects that meet transportation demands of today and the future and deliver positive benefits to users.
Feb 22, 2022 · • MMIP represents multi -year, multi -billion dollar pipeline of projects with a range of opportunities for various types of developers and contractors • This program is in addition to a robust GDOT construction program already in place statewide and the acceleration of projects from the new infrastructure bill
I-285 Advanced Improvement Projects | MMIP
The Georgia Department of Transportation (Georgia DOT) has advanced these Design-Build (DB) projects – I-285 Westbound Auxiliary Lane Extension, I-285/Peachtree Industrial Boulevard Interchange Improvements, I-285 Eastside Bridge Replacements.
I-285 Westside Express Lanes
The express lanes on I-285 are part of Georgia DOT’s Major Mobility Investment Program (MMIP) , making major investments in the state’s transportation network to deliver projects that will meet a community need and deliver positive benefits to drivers and transit riders.
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