What are the differences between GPL v2 and GPL v3 licenses?
I agree with the comment about consulting a lawyer (one who knows about software license issues, though). In doing these things (and more), they more than doubled the length of the GPL. GPL 3 is many things, and one of them is that it is a very complex, technical legal document.
Difference between Affero-GPL and GPLv3 - Stack Overflow
The GNU Affero General Public License is based on the GNU GPL, but has an additional term to allow users who interact with the licensed software over a network to receive the source for that program. We recommend that people consider using the GNU AGPL for any software which will commonly be run over a network.
If I'm using a GPL 3 library in my project, can I license my project ...
Aug 20, 2015 · So if GPL-licensed code ever gets included in your project, for example via linking against a GPL'd library, you must also provide your whole project under the GPL. There's some disagreement on whether GPL comes into play when a library is dynamically linked; GNU are of the opinion that it does, and provides the alternative license LGPL, or ...
gpl 3 - Can i modify a GPL v3 project and distribute it under GPL …
Feb 8, 2022 · Pawn is licensed under Apache 2.0 that i know. Infact, i use Pawn source files in my project. I also make use of a project SA-MP, which is a multiplayer modification of game. This SA-MP is licensed under GPL v3. As that is so, my whole program can be licensed under GPL v3. The question is under whose name.-My name or SA-MP team.
Can GPL licenced software be used in corporate environments?
Jul 31, 2015 · GPL software can be used anywhere, without restrictions. In fact, the FSF (maintainers of the GPL) have harsh words for licenses that try to restrict use of the software in any way. GPL software can also be modified without restrictions, as long as the modified software is kept private. If you intend to use the GPL'd software strictly within ...
licensing - Of the differences between the GPLv3 and the AGPLv3 …
In fact, the FSF's GPL compatibility matrix includes the note: Each place that the matrix states GPLv3, the same statement about compatibility is true for AGPLv3 as well. So we can certainly know that compatibility within the xGPL family is identical for GPLv3 and AGPLv3.
licensing - MIT vs GPL license - Stack Overflow
Oct 11, 2010 · A MIT licensed product (perhaps 'application' would be better word) cannot include GPL code. You can add GPL code into a MIT product, but the resulting application can only be distributed under the GPL licence. I've never before seen someone describe an application that can only be distributed under the terms of the GPL as a 'MIT licensed product'.
gpl 3 - Does whole project need to be under GPLv3 when using a …
May 10, 2021 · Yes: The GPL doesn't just extend to that particular component but to the entire program that includes GPL components. So if you publish your app, you will have to publish your app as a whole under the GPL and provide the Corresponding Source for the entire app. But this just means that any other parts need a GPLv3-compatible license.
gpl 3 - Does software released under GPLv3 require a copyright …
Jul 18, 2022 · You can distribute under the GPL v3.0 without a copyright notice. But there is a problem: Just because I see "licensed under GPL v3.0" doesn't mean it is actually licensed. It could have been created by some joker who thinks it's funny to distribute someone else's closed software with a GPL v3.0 notice (it's not funny, because this can create a ...
gpl - ¿En que consiste la licencia General Public Licence versión 3 ...
GPL v3 no prohibe los DRM ni el desarrollo de ninguna otra aplicación de esa naturaleza. Simplemente asegura la libertad de removerlos mediante un mecanismo jurídico que literalmente limita la “tivoización”. La versión 3 de la GPL fue diseñada para prohibir la tivoización. No prohíbe las características malévolas del código.