Any recent GW luck with Toyota Financial Services?
Jan 15, 2019 · Toyota Financial Services. Credit Dispute Research Team. P.O. Box 9786. Cedar Rapids, IA 52409 ***** Toyota Financial Services (Toyota Motor Credit Corp.) TFS Account: # ***** To Whom It May Concern: I hope this message finds you well, and thank you for the excellent service you have provided me over the last few years!
GW Toyota Financial - myFICO® Forums - 143981
Jan 31, 2008 · Has anyone EVER tried to GW Toyota Financial???? I lease my vehicle through them and I had a few 30 day lates (last one in 04/07) and one 60 day late (11/05). If ANY of you have tried, who did you send it to and did it work?
GW Letter Critique: Toyota Financial Services - myFICO® Forums
Jul 5, 2012 · Re: GW Letter Critique: Toyota Financial Services I don't know about the part of adding in the "mortgage situation". Then again, it's a GW, not a PFD and it's in PFD letters that I routinely see others advise not to include it.
Toyota GW letter backfire - myFICO® Forums - 5103393
Dec 1, 2017 · Well I sent a GW letter to Toyota financial services and now my reports are showing a dispute. Has anyone had any luck getting the dispute removed? I called them and told them I never disputed the validity of the late but they really weren't caring what I said:). Any advice would be appreciated. Thi...
GW to Toyota returned - myFICO® Forums - 172784
Mar 6, 2008 · Okay, I sent a GW to toyota to have a 30 day late taken off and I got the letter back from the post office with: "RETURN TO SENDER, NOT DELIVERABLE AS ADDRESSED, UNABLE TO FORWARD". I went and checked my credit report again today and the address on the report is exactly where I mailed it. Any though...
GW letter for Toyota Financial - myFICO® Forums - 1445654
Jun 13, 2012 · Hello guys, I have created a GW letter for some late payments in my now paid off Toyota loan, Before I send it off please tell me what you think. Toyota Financial Services Credit Dispute Research Team PO Box 9786 Cedar Rapids, IA 52409 RE: Account number ***************** To whom it may co...
GW Letter Critique: Toyota Financial Services - myFICO® Forums
Jul 16, 2012 · Re: GW Letter Critique: Toyota Financial Services I tried for over 2 years to GW TFS, no luck - similar letters used, and at this point doesn't hurt my score so, I gave up. I would guess tha the two things are not connected (the letter and the call from the local dealer).
GW letters to Toyota.... - myFICO® Forums
May 6, 2009 · Anyone have any success with writing GW letters to Toyota to remove lates? I have a car that was paid off like 6 months ago but have multiple lates, the last being Jan of 08 and then many more in 07. I was told on the mortgage bb that if I get some of these removed I could see an increase in my scor...
Has anyone had gw success with Toyota? - myFICO® Forums
Jun 9, 2012 · Has any ever had success getting Toyota to remove more then one late payment? I have (4)-30 day late payments and I want to send them a gw but I've read very few success stories that Toyota will only remove 1 late! :smileymad: Has anyone tried gwilling them?
GW Response from Ford, Toyota and Dell - myFICO® Forums
Sep 25, 2008 · Thought I'd post here that my response was negative...they won't change the verdict. In the letter they were both very nice but then - 348639