Grid2 resto shaman profile - MMO-Champion
Jan 18, 2017 · I´m currently healing with grid and i want to try grid2, grid2 offers more options so i´d like to switch to it. Since fine tuning takes a lot of time maybe someone could share his profile/layout for a healer. I don´t want to invent the wheel again.
Grid2 profile switching and group ordering - MMO-Champion
Mar 6, 2016 · Secondly, is there any way to correctly order groups in Grid2? It seems to sort members alphabetically and therefore messing with my target party member 1, 2, etc. keybindings. Googling the issue suggesting creating new layouts and sorting by index but this does not work for me. Any ideas?
Grid2 Settings for Holy/Disc Priests - MMO-Champion
May 28, 2015 · Hello everyone! For those using Grid2 as a raid frame replacement, I've provided my settings for healing on my priest.
Grid2: tracking buff cooldown and absorb shield - MMO-Champion
Aug 12, 2018 · Hello everyone, I'm setting up grid2 but I have 2 problems: How do I add the remaning time to the buff tracking? Is there a way to track absorb shield on health bar the same way elvui does? Thanks
How to make grid2 show buffs. - MMO-Champion
Apr 11, 2010 · For things like Infest, get GridStatusRaidDebuff. You can set it so the health bars go from right to left in the layout sections of the options. I don't have it set for icons like PW:S but I'm pretty sure there is an option to do it in grid, if not there is an addon on curse that is for PW:S. Just search Grid and look for it.
Grid2 Heal Incoming and Health Deficit Text color help! - MMO …
Jan 10, 2017 · 2. Go to Indicators -> text-down -> Statuses - select "heals-incoming" and "health-deficit" from Available Statuses - adjust the order of the previously selected stati under Current Statuses so that "heals-incoming" is at the top 3. Go to Indicators -> text-down -> Colors - select "heals-incoming" and "health-deficit" from Available Statuses
Grid2 Settings for Holy/Disc Priests - MMO-Champion
Mar 31, 2018 · Hey everyone i really like Holy and Priest not long returned to wow! Has anyone got some custom Grid2 profiles i can use? i am just starting to get into grid2 but finding it difficult to have the right stuff appear?
Grid2 - How do I show HOT timers? How do I show HP? - MMO …
Apr 21, 2017 · if hp means healtpoints then: yes. create a text indicator and then use something called "current healt" or so. i only use the german version and here it is called "Gesundheit-aktuell" and it shows in a number the current life. there is also an indicator for the missing life, if you want to see that.
Healing with Grid, how do you have it set up? - MMO-Champion
Apr 8, 2009 · As far as grid goes, i use grid and Xpearl. I am now only using grid for 5 mans and xpearl for 10 and 25 mans. My issue with grid "and i may be missing it" is that it doesnt display raid icons, like if i have star on MT and triangle on OT. With Grid being as good as it it, i'm hope i'm just missing this option. I hate having to switch back and ...
Grid2 vs vuhdo - MMO-Champion
Sep 28, 2016 · Grid will require an additional addon like clique if you want to have click spells. Vuhdo has all this built in. Vuhdo's interface is fairly easy to understand the basics, a little convoluted for advanced configurations. Grid's basic config is nothing special but much easier to understand the advanced configs.