the grugq - Substack
The intel that informs my day. A curated list of interesting content covering cyber, security, espionage, history, and whatever else is cool. security researcher.
thaddeus t. grugq – Medium
Read writing from thaddeus t. grugq on Medium. Information Security Researcher :: https://gru.gq :: keybase.io/grugq :: https://www.patreon.com/grugq.
The Info Op | the grugq | Substack
May 3, 2023 · Click to read The Info Op, by the grugq, a Substack publication with tens of thousands of subscribers.
The Grugq - HITBSecConf2023 - Phuket - Hack In The Box …
Thaddeus Grugq (thegrugq) has been a cybersecurity pioneer for over two decades. His early work created the field of counter forensics. Grugq was actively involved in the information warfare campaign of 2016. More recently he has been managing The Glasshouse Center, a cyber strategy and policy forum examining the nature of cyber conflict.
the grugq (@[email protected]) - Infosec Exchange
1.38K Posts, 196 Following, 17.2K Followers · Independent security researcher. #OPSEC #cyber #cyberwarfare #cyberintelligence #counterintelligence #espionage #history.
Pnyetya: Yet Another Ransomware Outbreak - Medium
Jun 27, 2017 · Today saw a massive outbreak of not-really ransomware that has caused significant damage to both Ukrainian targets and strategic global logistics companies. The worm uses three different infection...
Cyber Security Motivations Guessing Game | by thaddeus t. grugq …
Jun 26, 2016 · China and Russia are different from the US in a number of ways (that matter here.) The competitive security company market place is very different: Russia has Kaspersky; China has the dominant...
@grugq on Tumblr
Many men, as they age, start to worry about gray hairs. America’s military men, however, worry about gray wars. Gray wars are, as the former. A decade-long quest to become a cyber …
grugq (thaddeus t. grugq) - GitHub
grugq has 23 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
thaddeus e. grugq on Twitter: "I’m really curious about these …
Feb 5, 2021 · “I’m really curious about these devices being sold from the kgb museum.”
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