Why is the HP 15C so expensive? - Physics Forums
Feb 17, 2012 · The HP 15C is less than $100, and it was THE killer scientific calculator for engineers and chemists back in the '80s. Fits in a shirt pocket and does everything its larger predecessors did. I'm tempted to order one.
Hp-15c Gone, but not forgotten - Physics Forums
Feb 18, 2010 · If HP brought back the 15C, I'd buy one in a heartbeat. Good size, good key-pad feel, nice display AND RPN. At the time the 15C came out, I already had a 21C that filled my needs, but I'd certainly like to have one n
Need an on-line calculator for a simple calculation - Physics Forums
Jan 14, 2025 · This is a simple question, but after 30 minutes on Google, no sensible results. I want to solve this equation: 1/(2.04Sin(29.36 + 0)) on a regular basis. My idea was to have that term as a Google search, saved as a bookmark. The idea has worked well for years for another formula, but without...
RPN vs Algebraic Mode on calculators. - Physics Forums
Feb 24, 2007 · I still use my HP-15C, cannot use an algebraic calculator, it seems counterintuitive to me now. Yeah, this is the thing I'm most concerned about. Since I'm only a Sophomore in high school.
Which calculator? Hp 50G vs Ti89 Titanium - Physics Forums
Oct 11, 2006 · I remember not being able to financially justify trading up to an HP 15C, since my 29C did everything I needed, but I really liked the 15C. It's financial cousin, the HP 12C is still quite commonly seen in banks, real estate offices, investment counselors' offices, etc.