如何通俗地解释LUMO HOMO? - 知乎
homo,highest occupied molecule orbital,能量最高的被占 分子轨道 ,就像先辈。 先辈事先辈,常常 雷普 后辈(在后辈上面),但是还是被 远野 压在身下力 远野,常常被雷普(暴论),但是还是把先辈给一转攻势,能量就是比先辈高
为什么「智人」的英文「 Homo sapiens sapiens 」中有两个「 …
Homo sapiens sapiens,这个命名结构是genus species subspecies,有时候在subspecies之前会加【sp. 】或者【subsp. 】来标记亚种以免混淆。 Homo是属(genus)名,拉丁文的‘人’的意思,指出了人属; sapiens是种(species)名,拉丁文的‘聪明的’意思,指出了智人种;
What is the actual meaning/origin of the prefix 'homo'? - Reddit
Sep 30, 2014 · In this case we're using homo from the Latin, and the Latin sapiens (wise,sensible, judicious). This, by the way is why we call animals with senses sentient ( sentientem - "feeling") whereas animals that have self-awareness and the capacity for abstract thought (dolphins, some apes, us) are called sapient (again, thoughtful or wise).
基态和激发态与homo和lumo能有什么区别? - 知乎
homo和lumo分别代表分子中能量最高的占据轨道和能量最低的未占据轨道。 基态与激发态的关系与HOMO和LUMO之间的关系不是平行的,而是包含关系。 在每个能量状态(如基态S0,激发态S1、S2等)中,都有相应的HOMO和LUMO。
Thoughts on Homo naledi (and Lee Berger overall)? - Reddit
May 5, 2023 · Homo seems to have capitalized on its major behavioral territory pretty quickly, so a hominin lineage retreating from that heated competition between a bunch of larger, perhaps more intelligent hominins (not to mention the ancestors of Pan and Gorilla) to a more arboreal lifestyle is a reasonable scenario. Chimps and gorillas, for example, both ...
Is Homo Gorleo a reference to something? : …
Dec 21, 2023 · The other boss that was revealed so far, Homo Avades (pic 2), is taken straight from one of the creatures in Hieronymus Bosch's depictions of hell. I feel like Gorleo also has to be referencing some painting or something, but I haven't found anything.
ELI5: Why are Homo sapiens the only living species of humans?
Jul 17, 2023 · Rapid homo-sapiens expansion seems (as with most stuff from this time, we'll probably never know exactly) to have started with the development of something like an atlatl, and that kind of weapon would've been devastating against people who possibly couldn't use them, or even could but were outnumbered by sapiens who could support bigger tribes ...
Are all people in the world actually Homo Sapiens? : r/evolution
May 25, 2020 · As best we can tell: Yes, all human beings are members of the species Homo sapiens.The notion that at some time in the past, there might have been a small-ish breeding population that managed to achieve a sufficient degree of reproductive isolation, for a sufficiently long period of time, that that group might have become a different species?
计算化学中,为什么HOMO要画在LUMO的下面,不是能量越高在 …
Dec 10, 2022 · 而homo和lumo也是类似的情况 HOMO全名叫做 Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital,也就是最高占据分子轨道,类似于“分数最高的挂科同学” LUMO全名叫做 Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital,也就是最低未占分子轨道,类似于“分数最低的没挂科同学”,或者说“分数最低的及格同学”
Directors Cut Homo Faber trophy : r/DeathStranding - Reddit
Sep 24, 2021 · I just completed my last missing trophy “Homo Faber” on Death Stranding - Director’s Cut. For anyone who also struggles with this trophy completing all weapons and equipment, here is a list of all 108 items needed for “Homo Faber” Trophy. (DC marks the items from the Director’s Cut) TOOLS: Ladder Climbing Anchor, lvl 1 Climbing ...
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