Hoya 'Viola' – Steve's Leaves
Hoya 'Viola' is a cross between Hoya deykeae and Hoya vitellina. It was named for its viola shaped leaves that are decorated with distinct venation. The small flowers have reflexed yellow corollas and white star shaped coronas and appear in large clusters of up to 20 or more.
Hi there, House Plant friends, today we review how to grow the Hoya Viola . I go over her plant characteristics (she's a robust grower!) as well as plant care needs such as lighting, watering...
Ultimate Guide to Growing Hoya 'Viola'
Sep 30, 2024 · Transform your Hoya 'Viola' into a stunning centerpiece with Greg's tailored care tips 🌿 that help you dodge common pitfalls and keep your plant thriving!
Hoya viola for Sale | My Home Nature
Hoya viola for sale - Low Price - Click for Wide Hoya Selection - Healthy Plant - Reliable Shipping - Buy Your Rare Hoya here!
Trellised Hoya 'Viola' - Unsolicited Plant Talks
Hoya 'Viola' is native to Malaysia, and produces light yellow, star-shaped flowers with white centers that are a standout feature of this Hoya cultivar. It is in the Apocynaceae family, and is a cultivar resulting from the crossing of Hoya deykeae x Hoya vitellina.
Hoya Viola Plant Care: Water, Light, Nutrients - Greg App
About Hoya Viola. With over 500 species and even more cultivars, there's a Hoya out there for everyone! They're native to Southeast Asia and their common name, waxplant, refers to their thick, waxy leaves which help them retain water in the heat. They're excellent climbers and will take off if you give them a trellis to grow on.
Hoya Viola | Wax Plant | Always Affordable at Plant Proper
Proper Hoya Viola Plants at Proper Prices. Always affordable and on time from our farm to your door. The Hoya Viola is a unique Hoya that will surely stand out. It’s a cross between Hoya Deykeae x Hoya Vitellina sporting paddle shaped leaves and distinct venation.
9 Perfect Spots to Plant Your Hoya 'Viola'
Sep 30, 2024 · 🌞 Hoya 'Viola' thrives in bright, indirect sunlight for 6-8 hours daily. 🌱 Well-draining, organic-rich soil is essential for Hoya 'Viola' health and growth. 🌬️ Position near windbreaks to protect Hoya 'Viola' from damage and ensure airflow.
Hoya cv. 'Viola' - Tropics @Home
Hoya cv ‘Viola’ got its name because of large viola shaped leaves. It’s a hybrid of Hoya deykeae and Hoya vitellina. This plant likes to stay warm with lots of bright indirect light or filtered direct light.
Hoya Viola - Gabbar Farms
Hoya Viola is a is a woody, epiphyte or scrambling shrub with large flashy patterned leaves & bright yellow flowers trimmed with brown edges. It is a cross beyween Hoya deykeae and Hoya vitellina. Sometimes the flowers colour varies probably due to access of light. It has a h eady ginger fragrance.