Labs - IBM Research
This year marks our 80th anniversary in delivering breakthrough research. See our latest work from the 12 labs spread across 19 sites around the world.
IBM Research
A community-based approach to building open-source LLMs, created by engineers from Red Hat and IBM Research.
India - IBM Research
Established in 1998, IBM Research – India is a hub for science and technology innovation. With locations in Gurgaon and Bengaluru, the lab is focused on a wide array of projects across …
Almaden - IBM Research
IBM Research – Almaden is IBM's Silicon Valley innovation lab. Scientists ranging from chemists to physicists, as well as mathematicians, engineers and designers at Almaden are pioneering …
About us - IBM Research
AI and machine learning have become critical for business, but industry-leading models can be costly to develop, and opaque. At IBM Research we’re inventing powerful and trustworthy …
Yorktown Heights - IBM Research
The Thomas J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, NY is the global headquarters of IBM Research, the largest industrial research organization in the world. The facility, designed …
United Kingdom - IBM Research
Our Think Lab is located at the historic IBM Hursley Laboratory that brings together cutting edge IBM integration development with research into Accelerated Discovery, Quantum Computing, …
Zurich - IBM Research
The Zurich Think Lab is the door to IBM Research in Europe and makes what’s next in computing actionable for clients. It offers a stimulating environment to explore future technologies and …
Ireland - IBM Research
The IBM Research Lab in Dublin was founded in 2011 and ever since has consistently delivered major innovations in the areas of AI, security, hybrid cloud and quantum computing.
Africa - IBM Research
Founded in 2013, IBM Research – Africa develops new technologies to transform lives and spark new business opportunities. We conduct research in key areas such as water management, …