Blue Crane - SANBI
May 20, 2018 · The Blue Crane is a special bird to amaXhosa tribe, who call it indwe. When a man distinguished himself by deeds of valour, or any form of meritorious conduct, he was often decorated by a chief by being presented with the feathers of this bird.
South Africa's National Bird
The Blue Crane is a bird very special to the amaXhosa, who call it indwe. When a man distinguished himself by deeds of valour, or any form of meritorious conduct, he was often decorated by a chief by being presented with the feathers of this bird.
Cranes and culture: How these special birds have shaped our …
In Xhosa and Zulu, the bird is known as indwe and plays an important cultural role. For the amaXhosa people, the feathers of indwe are an indication that a warrior has been honoured for bravery by the chief during ukundzabela – a ceremony after battles where feathers are …
9 Fascinating Blue Crane Facts - Fact Animal
Historically, when members of the Xhosa people (those folks with the incredible clicking language) showed bravery in battle, they were honoured with decorative feathers from the local “Indwe” bird.
Cranetivities – Blue Cranes - International Crane Foundation
One of these tribes, the Xhosa people, call the Blue Crane “Indwe.” Brave warriors are honored with Blue Crane feathers to display in their hair, and these warriors act to restore order when troubles arise. Follow up questions: Do you know the national bird of your country?
Which bird is South Africa’s national bird? - NCESC
Jun 26, 2024 · South Africa chose the Blue Crane as its national bird because it represents beauty and bravery. The Xhosa people, one of the tribes in South Africa, call the Blue Crane “Indwe” and consider it a symbol of courage. Brave warriors are honored with Blue Crane feathers, and they are called upon to restore order and peace in times of trouble.
The Big Blue Crane Bird: South Africa’s National Bird
Jan 10, 2024 · Among the Xhosa, the indigenous “Indwe bird” was historically considered a symbol of prestige and honor. Traditionally, the feathers of the Blue Crane were used to decorate the headdress of a warrior or leader who had displayed exceptional acts of bravery or leadership.
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Indwe is the Xhosa name for the Blue Crane, also called the Stanley Crane or Paradise Crane. It is South Africa's national bird and is almost exclusively endemic to South Africa (an estimated 20-25 birds are found in Namibia).
indwe - definition of indwe in A Dictionary of South African English …
[1986 Motorist 2nd Quarter 25 Indwe is the Xhosa word for blue crane.. a town.. named after the blue crane, South Africa’s national bird and Ciskei’s national emblem. Indwe was founded in 1896 when this stately bird occurred in large numbers along the Indwe River.
The blue crane is also known as the Stanley or paradise crane, and in local South African languages as the bloukraanvoël (Afrikaans), indwe (amaXhosa and Zulu), or mogolodi (Sepedi). Globally the 15 existing crane species are among the most threatened birds.