Install Drive for desktop - Google Workspace Learning Center
When you install Drive for desktop on your computer, it creates a drive in My Computer or a location in Finder named Google Drive. All of your Drive files appear here. Any new files or folders you create in Drive or Drive for desktop sync and appear on all your devices. Click Drive for desktop click your name Open Google Drive .
Use Google Drive for desktop
You can sync files from your computer to Google Drive and backup to Google Photos. On your computer, open Drive for desktop . Click Settings Preferences. On the left, click Folders from your computer. Select an option: Sync with Google Drive: Files you change in the synced folder reflect on Drive. Drive changes reflect on your computer.
Installer Drive pour ordinateur - Centre de formation Google …
Cliquez sur Drive pour ordinateur cliquez sur votre nom Ouvrir Google Drive . Dans Mon Drive ou Drive partagés, double-cliquez sur le fichier que vous souhaitez ouvrir. Les fichiers créés dans Google Docs, Sheets, Slides ou Forms s'ouvrent dans votre navigateur. Les autres fichiers s'ouvrent dans l'application associée sur votre ordinateur.
Instalar Drive para ordenadores - Google Help
Si instalas Drive para ordenadores en tu ordenador, se crea una unidad en Mi PC o en una ubicación de Finder denominada "Google Drive". Todos tus archivos de Drive aparecerán aquí. Los archivos o las carpetas que crees en Drive o en Drive para ordenadores se sincronizarán y aparecerán en todos tus dispositivos.
パソコン版ドライブをインストールする - Google Workspace
このドライブまたは場所の名称は「Google ドライブ」で、ドライブ内のファイルがすべてここに表示されます。 ドライブまたはパソコン版ドライブで作成した新しいファイルやフォルダは同期されて、すべてのデバイスに表示されます。
Use Google Drive for desktop
You can sync files from your computer to Google Drive and backup to Google Photos. On your computer, open Drive for desktop . Click Settings Preferences. On the left, click Folders from your computer. Select an option: Sync with Google Drive: Files you change in the synced folder reflect on Drive. Drive changes reflect on your computer.
Drive voor desktop installeren - Google Workspace …
Met Drive voor desktop kunt u bestanden in Google Drive zoeken en openen op uw computer. Je kunt Drive voor desktop gebruiken om je bestanden in de cloud en op je computer gesynchroniseerd te houden. Synchronisatie is het proces waarbij bestanden uit de cloud worden gedownload en bestanden van de harde schijf van je computer worden geüpload.
Fix problems in Drive for desktop - Computer - Google Help
Follow the on-screen instructions to install the Drive for Desktop. Install the application on your computer. On your computer, you'll find a folder called "Google Drive." Open Drive for desktop: When you install Drive for desktop on your computer, it creates a drive in My Computer or a location in Finder named Google Drive.
Instalar o Drive para computador - Centro de aprendizagem do …
Você pode encontrar e abrir seus arquivos a partir do Google Drive no computador com o Drive para computador. Use o Drive para computador para manter os arquivos sincronizados entre a nuvem e seu computador. A sincronização é o processo de download de arquivos da nuvem e de upload de arquivos do disco rígido do seu computador.
Use Drive for desktop on macOS - Google Help
Dragging items in and out of a Google Drive folder will move them. The cloud file will be trashed if moved out. Dragging items in and out of a Google Drive folder will copy them and keep the cloud version intact. Spotlight search. Spotlight search will only search a subset of your files including any downloaded files.