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Ion pump - Wikipedia
An ion pump (also referred to as a sputter ion pump) is a type of vacuum pump which operates by sputtering a metal getter. Under ideal conditions, ion pumps are capable of reaching pressures as low as 10 mbar. An ion pump first ionizes gas within the vessel it is attached to and employs a strong electrical … See more
The first evidence for pumping from electrical discharge was found 1858 by Julius Plücker, who did early experiments on electrical discharge in vacuum tubes. In 1937, Frans Michel Penning observed some evidence of … See more
The basic element of the common ion pump is a Penning trap. A swirling cloud of electrons produced by an electric discharge is temporarily stored in the anode region of a Penning trap. These electrons ionize incoming gas atoms and … See more
Ion pumps are commonly used in ultra-high vacuum (UHV) systems, as they can attain ultimate pressures less than 10 mbar. In contrast to other common UHV pumps, such as turbomolecular pumps and diffusion pumps, ion pumps have no moving parts and use no oil. … See more
Recent work has suggested that free radicals escaping from ion pumps can influence the results of some experiments. See more
• "Agilent Ion Pumps, Early History" (PDF).
• Hablanian, Marsbed. "Gettering and Ion Pumping". High-Vacuum Technology: A Practical Guide. ISBN 082478197X. Archived from the original on May 9, 2006.
• "Sputter Ion Pumps" (PDF). See moreWikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license Ion Getter Pumps & Ion Pump Controllers, UHV & XHV Pumps
Discover the complete range of Agilent Vacuum (formerly Varian) ion getter pumps. These ultra high (UHV) and extreme high (XHV) vacuum ion pumps feature mini and small VacIon pumps, …
How do ion pumps work - Leybold USA
Understand the working principle of ion pumps, with explanatory diagrams and an introduction to how pumping speed is affected
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How Ion Pumps Work - YouTube
Dec 20, 2013 · Ion pumps are a vacuum capture pump and this video explains the basic principals of how they operate. Those new to ion pumps will find this very informative...
Ion Pumps - Altair USA
Sep 16, 2019 · Ion pumps are commonly used in ultra-high vacuum and can attain pressures less than x 10-11. Ion …
- Life @ 1×10-6 Torr: 50,000 hrs
- Pump Speed: 0.15 L/s
- Max Start Pressure: 1×10-2 Torr
- Ultimate Pressure: <1 x 10-11 Torr
Ion Pump or sputter ion pump for ultrahigh vacuum
Jun 15, 2024 · An ion pump, called a sputter ion pump, plays a critical role in achieving ultrahigh vacuum levels essential for cutting-edge technology. This innovative vacuum pump technique …
Ion pumps: their use and operation in ultra-high vacuum
Oct 13, 2020 · Ion pumps make use of a large magnetic field within an isolated chamber and use high voltages to pull electrons into the assembly. They rely on the sputtering of getter materials located inside a series of cells and through …
Agilent ion pumps are available in three different element types: Diode, StarCell and Noble Diode. Element selection should be based on how the pump will be installed and used. Diode pumps …
Ion Pumps and Accessories | Ideal Vacuum
Ion pumps, or sputter ion pumps, provide vibration free UHV, ideally suited for delicate, high-precision instrumentation and processes. In addition to Agilent Varian MiniVac ion pump …
Ion Pump|High Vacuum Pump|Products|ULVAC SHOWCASE
Sputter ion pumps utilize electric and magnetic fields to ionize gas molecules. These ionized molecules are accelerated by the electric field and collide with the surface of a solid target. …