Jidoor - Final Fantasy Wiki
Jidoor is the capital of a country with the same name in Final Fantasy VI. It is the westernmost city on the map, and lies north of the Opera House. The town has an auction house, and an art gallery owned by Owzer, the wealthiest man in the world. In the auction house the party can bid on randomly appearing items … See more
- The party first passes through Jidoor in the search for Terra, but the city acts as littl…
- Setzer plans to kidnap the opera singer Maria at the opera "Maria and Draco", a…
- After the end of the world, Owzer bought a strange stone at the a… See more
- "Kids Run Through the City" from
- https://finalfantasy.fan… See more
- Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade
- This section about a location in Final Fantasy Airborne Brig… See more
Text under CC-BY-SA licenseJidoor - Final Fantasy VI Guide - IGN
Oct 13, 2014 · The aristocratic town of Jidoor serves as a crossroads to gather information about your next stop, Zozo. Take special notice of the Auction House and Owzer's Mansion.
World of Ruin - Jidoor - Final Fantasy VI Guide - IGN
With Terra once again in the mix, the next stop should be Jidoor, which is still the westernmost town in the world. However, there is a quick pitstop to be made on the way: Go on over to the...
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The Auction House in Jidoor - Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster ...
Apr 4, 2022 · Enter the building and talk to the guy just inside the door. Tell him you want to "Join in the bidding" and you'll take a seat. The item you can bid on will then be revealed. To be the …
- 92%(25)
Jidoor and the Opera House - Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster
Apr 4, 2022 · Here you'll find the director of the Opera House who mistakes Celes for someone named Maria. He'll leave, but if you head back towards the entrance of the mansion, you'll see …
- 92%(25)
- HP: 299
- 066 Stunner: 067 Goetia
- Level: 16
Owzer's Mansion in Jidoor (Get Relm) - Final Fantasy VI
Apr 4, 2022 · Head to Owzer's Mansion at the top of the town. If you're following this guide, you should have examined most of the important paintings earlier. The last painting to examine is …
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Jidoor - Final Fantasy VI - Guides - Gamer Corner Guides
Jidoor. Jidoor is a very large town filled with rich residents. There is a Chocobo Stable in the southeastern part of town which can save you some effort in your travels going forward. It's …
Final Fantasy 6 Finding Terra, Zozo, Jidoor …
Jun 5, 2009 · Go to Jidoor and go to the northmost house. Talk to the Impressario to find out that Celes looks like a woman in the opera named Maria! Read the note on the way out and you’ll …
Jidoor - Final Fantasy VI - Guides
11 rows · Comprehensive information on the encounters, monsters, and treasures in the Jidoor area in Final Fantasy VI (FF3, FFIII, SNES, Super NES, FF6, FFVI, Anthology, …
Final Fantasy VI Walkthrough: Jidoor Auction House …
Feb 21, 2024 · The first time you visit Jidoor in Final Fantasy VI you'll probably wander into the Auction House, on the east side of town. Home to the rich, powerful, and probably bored, the Auction House starts out closed, only …