Thai Canal - Wikipedia
The Thai Canal (Thai: คลองไทย), also known as Kra Canal (คลองกระ) or Kra Isthmus Canal (คลองคอคอดกระ), is any of several proposals for a canal that would connect the Gulf of Thailand with the Andaman Sea across the Kra Isthmus in southern Thailand. Such a canal would significantly reduce ...
Thailand revives the Kra Canal but this time as a landbridge
Nov 14, 2023 · Thailand is seeking investors for a $28 billion landbridge across the Isthmus of Kra which would allow shipping bypass the busy sea route of Malacca Straits, reviving the centuries old Kra...
The Thai Canal – The proposed canal across the Isthmus of Kra in ...
Mar 2, 2025 · The Thai Canal (also known as the Kra Canal) is a proposed canal that would cut across the Malay Peninsula in Southern Thailand. This man-made waterway would connect the Andaman Sea with the Gulf of Thailand, providing a maritime shortcut by rerouting shipping away from the Strait of Malacca.
Tentang Terusan Kra, Ambisi Thailand yang Mengancam Singapura …
Mar 29, 2021 · Adalah pemerintah Thailand yang berambisi membangun kanal di daerah Selatan, tepatnya di sebuah celah daratan sempit bernama Genting Kra dekat perbatasan dengan Malaysia. Genting Kra merupakan daratan yang diapit oleh …
3 Fakta Terusan Kra Proyek China-Thailand untuk Saingi Selat …
Jun 26, 2023 · JAKARTA - Terusan Kra merupakan kanal yang rencananya akan dibangun Thailand di sebuah daratan sempit bernama Genting Kra. Melihat keuntungan besar yang ditawarkan pada mega proyek Thailand, China dikabarkan siap membantu.
Thailand’s Kra Canal: China’s Way Around the Malacca Strait
Apr 14, 2018 · The establishment of a Kra Canal in Thailand may soon become a reality as part of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The canal would permit ships to bypass the Malacca Strait, a crucial maritime chokepoint, amplifying the strategic significance of the project.
Thailand Bangun Jalur Alternatif Selat Malaka, Ancam Jalur …
Mar 31, 2024 · Tanah Genting Kra atau Isthmus of Kra adalah jembatan darat sempit yang menghubungkan Semenanjung Melayu dengan daratan Asia. Di sebelah barat tanah genting ini adalah Laut Andaman yang menjadi bagian dari Samudera Hindia, serta Teluk Thailand yang terletak di Samudera Pasifik pada sisi timur.
Efektivitas Terusan Kra : Akankah Terusan Kra Merubah Jalur …
Apr 13, 2023 · Terusan Kra adalah kanal yang direncanakan dibangun Thailand sejak abad ke-17. Terusan Kra, yang membelah daratan Thailand, telah direncanakan oleh Raja Narai sejak 1677, ketika arsitek Prancis De Lamarr berencana membangun kanal untuk menghubungkan Songkhla dan Maried.
By land or sea: Thailand perseveres with the Kra Canal - Lowy …
The concept of a sea passage linking the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea was dismissed by the government in 2020; the dream of a Kra Canal became a Thai Land Bridge, utilising road and railway networks to transport goods to and from deep sea ports on each coast.
Thailand Perseveres with New Vision for Kra Canal - The …
Sep 23, 2021 · The concept of a sea passage linking the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea was dismissed by the government in 2020; the dream of a Kra Canal became a Thai Land Bridge, utilizing road and...
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