A Complete Guide To: Kensei's Unblockable Mix-Up : r/forhonor
Nov 24, 2018 · At this point there have been plenty of guides for Kensei, but today I wanted to break down his Unblockable Mix-up and not just give you the "What" you can do, but also the "When" and "Why". Most of these tips are geared towards Duels and Brawls so just keep that in mind going forward. "What" you can do: Soft Feint into Side Lights
Kensei monk advice : r/dndnext - Reddit
Jan 25, 2022 · Longbow kensei is considered great because you end up in melee less so your d8 hit die matters less. I played a Longbow kensei for the first part of a CoS campaign (he didn’t die, the campaign just fizzled) in a party with a Paladin, warlock, bard, and homebrew halfcaster.
Kensei's shot clarification : r/dndnext - Reddit
Nov 28, 2017 · Kensei was very muchdesigned with this in mind, so for damage in a round yes its going to be better in melee levels 6+ BUT using kensei shot Allows for increased average and maximum damage PER Attack, Whichis going to beat out melee in situations where you get a free hit or a bonus for only one attack like various features and spells offer
iFi GO bar Kensei Review - Legendary : r/headphones - Reddit
The Kensei is the third iteration of the GO bar dongle DAC/amplifier. The previous being the original GO bar and the 10th Anniversary gold edition. Kensei is a Japanese word that translates to "sword saint" - an honorary title bestowed on very few …
How do you feel about Way of the Kensei? : r/dndnext - Reddit
Jun 15, 2021 · Kensei is a fantastic idea, but because of the stupid as shit way it's designed, you're essentially playing a subclass that only has 2 subclass features, and it gets a hell of a lot worse post-Tashas because most of what it does is now available to all monks, so now all Kensei does is let you use longbows specifically.
Ranged kensei monk build (5E) : r/3d6 - Reddit
Feb 3, 2022 · Kensei can switch between melee and ranged pretty effectively because they aren't reliant on a feat tied to a weapon to get their bonus action. Obviously Sharpshooter is still better, but you can actually spend ki on Focused Aim or Deft Strike with the blade cantrips. So you might want your cantrip to be booming blade.
Let's talk about Kensei Muguruma. : r/bleach - Reddit
Jul 6, 2017 · Kensei, and really all of the Visored's suffered from extremely poor storyline and character development. They were built up as this powerful rogue shinigami faction that had hollow powers but ultimately their whole story arc just kind of fizzled out.
Multiclassing my Kensei Monk : r/3d6 - Reddit
Feb 25, 2018 · In a game I've been playing in, my Way of the Kensei Monk is currently level 6 and I've been considering multiclass options. I want to balance effectiveness, flavor, and RP. As far as flavor and RP goes, she's basically a wandering swordsman looking to improve her skills and aid others when it's reasonable to do so.
Your interesting builds for Kensei armor : r/ghostoftsushima - Reddit
Aug 7, 2020 · I use the kensei armor for cleaning camp and sarugami for duels and ghost for stealth and traveles attire for exploring iki island and Tsushima island Kensei build is: Blazing flame versatile skills fortune 1 steadfast fire fleet foraging fortune 2 Sarugami build: Mizu no kami versatile skills silence inari's Might broken Barrie's resolve 2
[DND 5E] Samurai Fighter or Kensei Monk? : r/3d6 - Reddit
Aug 15, 2021 · Kensei can have phenomenal damage if you get one of the magic items without a + to attack/damage like a Flametongue or Icebrand. You can then use "Sharpen the blade" at the start of combat (or just before) to make them +3 weapons completely negating the weakness of those magic weapons while still getting the extra damage dice.