Keptn - Supercharge Your Deployments
Achieve cloud-native application lifecycle orchestration with Keptn. Enhance Kubernetes monitoring, streamline metrics ingestion, and automate deployment validation. Join the Keptn community for insights.
Keptn Documentation - Keptn - Supercharge Your Deployments
Oct 30, 2024 · Guides provides detailed and comprehensive how-to information for Keptn features and capabilities. Use Cases has more specific integration scenarios and use cases with other Cloud Native tools. Reference provides comprehensive information about the CRDs and APIs that define how Keptn behaves.
Metrics Operator - Keptn - Supercharge Your Deployments
Achieve cloud-native application lifecycle orchestration with Keptn. Enhance Kubernetes monitoring, streamline metrics ingestion, and automate deployment validation. Join the Keptn community for insights.
Cloud-native application life-cycle orchestration - Keptn
keptn. The CLI for using Keptn. Synopsis. The CLI allows interaction with a Keptn installation to manage Keptn, to trigger workflows, and to get details. Options
Keptn Observability - Keptn - Supercharge Your Deployments
Achieve cloud-native application lifecycle orchestration with Keptn. Enhance Kubernetes monitoring, streamline metrics ingestion, and automate deployment validation. Join the Keptn community for insights.
Basic Authentication | keptn | Cloud-native application life-cycle ...
The Keptn Bridge has a basic authentication feature, which can be controlled by setting the following two environment variables in the deployment of the bridge: BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME - username BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD - password
Keptn v1 Docs | keptn | Cloud-native application life-cycle …
Keptn v1 reached EOL December 22, 2023. For more information see https://bit.ly/keptn
Keptn CloudEvents | keptn | Cloud-native application life-cycle ...
The Keptn CloudEvents specification defines the event types and formats supported by Keptn core as well as the payload structure associated with each event. Keptn generates CloudEvents based on sequence and task names as defined in the shipyard.
keptn | Cloud-native application life-cycle orchestration
Get started with Keptn in 5 minutes! Keptn helps developers and SREs to deliver software in a cloud-native way.
Integrate Keptn with your Applications
Achieve cloud-native application lifecycle orchestration with Keptn. Enhance Kubernetes monitoring, streamline metrics ingestion, and automate deployment validation. Join the Keptn community for insights.