How to Change a Nintendo Account Mii
Select Edit Mii Editar Mii Changer de Mii Editar Mii. A list of your current Mii characters will appear. Select the Mii character that you want to adjust, then Edit. Follow the on-screen …
How to Create a Mii on Nintendo Switch
Click Next to edit the Mii you selected. Use the left control stick or the D-pad on the left Joy-Con to navigate through the different physical features for your Mii character, such as face, eyebrows, …
How to Generate a QR Code™ for a Mii | Nintendo Support
Select the Mii Maker icon on the HOME Menu, and tap Open. Tap the QR Code/Image Options button.
How to Create a Nintendo Network ID on Wii U
Select an Existing Mii. Tap Choose a Mii from Mii Maker. Select the Mii you want to use, then select Register twice. Select OK to confirm. Once the Mii has been registered, select Next. …
How to Link an Existing Nintendo Network ID to a Wii U
Select Choose from Existing Mii Characters. If you choose to associate a new Mii, select Create/Receive to create one. Any Mii characters already associated to the Nintendo Network …
Oh, Snap! - Nintendo Support
© Nintendo. Games are property of their respective owners. Nintendo of America Inc. Headquarters are in Redmond, Washington, USA
How to Create a Mii from a QR Code | Nintendo Support
Once the QR Code is lined up, it will be recognized and the Mii will be created. Tap Save to confirm this Mii or Don't Save to cancel. Once saved, tap OK. Scanned Mii characters will …
How to Scan a Mii Through a QR Code™ - Nintendo Support
From the Mii Maker main menu tap QR Code/Image Options. Tap Scan QR Code. Align the code so that it lies within the frame on the upper screen. Once aligned the system will automatically …
How to Link or Unlink a Nintendo Network ID to a Nintendo Account
If you would like to add a new Mii, read How to Change a Nintendo Account Mii. Unable to unlink the NNID If you created your Nintendo Account with your NNID, you will need to link an …
Mii Character Is Not Appearing in Nintendo Account
To add a new Mii to your profile, you can either create one through your Nintendo Account settings or link your Nintendo Account to a Nintendo Network ID. If a Mii that was previously …