Taking the MCAT® Exam | Students & Residents
The Medical College Admission Test ® (MCAT ®) assesses your knowledge of natural and social sciences concepts and your critical thinking and scientific problem-solving skills required to begin the study of medicine. Learn more about what’s tested on the MCAT exam.
What You Need to Know About the MCAT® Exam | Students
The Medical College Admission Test® (MCAT®) is a standardized, multiple-choice, computer-based test that has been a part of the medical school admissions process for more than 90 years. Each year, more than 85,000 students sit for the exam.
Register for the MCAT® Exam | Students & Residents
Get answers to your questions about MCAT ® registration, scores, and more.
Medical College Admission Test - Wikipedia
The Medical College Admission Test (MCAT; / ˈɛmkæt / EM-kat) is a computer-based standardized examination for prospective medical students in the United States, Australia, [9] Canada, and the Caribbean Islands. It is designed to assess problem solving, critical thinking, written analysis and knowledge of scientific concepts and principles.
About the MCAT Exam - The Princeton Review
The MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) is required for admission to most medical schools. The MCAT exam is computer-based and tests physical and biological sciences, verbal reasoning, and writing skills.
What Is the MCAT Test Like and How Do You Prepare for It? - U.S.
Jun 21, 2022 · The MCAT is designed to assess the extent to which medical school applicants have the conceptual understanding and analytical skills necessary for success in...
What is the MCAT - Know All About MCAT Exam | Kaplan Test Prep
The MCAT is an important part of your medical school application. Discover everything you need to know about the MCAT Test, including what is the MCAT, what is a good MCAT score, MCAT test dates, and a breakdown of the topics tested on the MCAT exam.
Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) Tips & Advice
Mar 8, 2024 · The Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) is a standardized medical admission test that is a key prerequisite for students applying to medical school. The MCAT specifically focuses on a student’s skills and knowledge, including problem solving, critical thinking and comprehension of a range of scientific concepts.
MCAT Guide 2024 - Medistudents
Nov 8, 2023 · What is the MCAT? The MCAT exam, developed and administered by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), is a standardized, multiple-choice examination, designed to support the medical school admission process through the assessment of prerequisites for the study of medicine. What is tested on the MCAT?
MCAT Accommodations: What You Need to Know - The Princeton …
Registering for the MCAT. Once your accommodations are approved, you can select your MCAT location and date. The dates for accommodations are in a similar time span as standard MCAT dates, but often differ by a week or so. You will not know your exact test dates until this process is completed. Preparation using Accommodations. Timing