Bar (unit) - Wikipedia
Units derived from the bar include the megabar (symbol: Mbar), kilobar (symbol: kbar), decibar (symbol: dbar), centibar (symbol: cbar), and millibar (symbol: mbar). The bar is defined using …
MBAR - Wikipedia
Mbar (rural district), a rural district in the Gossas Department, Senegal mbar1260, Glottolog code of the Mbara language (Chad) mbar1261, Glottolog code of the Mbara language (Australia)
Bar (unit) - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The bar (symbol bar), decibar (symbol dbar) and the millibar (symbol mbar, also mb) are units of pressure. They are not SI units, but they are still used in descriptions of pressure. Although the …
Atmospheric pressure - Wikipedia
Atmospheric pressure, also known as air pressure or barometric pressure (after the barometer), is the pressure within the atmosphere of Earth. The standard atmosphere (symbol: atm) is a unit …
Millibar — Wikipédia
Le millibar, de symbole mbar (anciennement mb), est une unité de pression hors du Système international. Il vaut un millième de bar (1 bar = 1 000 mbar).
Milibar – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
O milibar (mbar) é uma unidade de pressão equivalente a uma milésima parte do bar, um bar tanto faz a 1000 (mil) milibares. [1] Outra divisão do bar menos usada é a baria, que é a …
Millibar (mbar) Unit Definition - Math Converse
Millibar (mbar) Unit Definition. The millibar is a multiple of the unit bar (bar) for pressure. The International System of Units (SI) defines the prefix milli (m) as a factor of one thousandth or …
What is a Millibar? (with pictures) - AllTheScience
May 21, 2024 · What is a Millibar? A millibar is a unit of pressure which is most commonly seen in the context of meteorology, where atmospheric pressure is sometimes given in millibars. As …
mbar - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Sep 11, 2024 · mbar Symbol for millibar, an SI unit of atmospheric pressure equal to 10 −3 bars.
Convert Pressure, Millibar
The bar (symbol bar) and the millibar (symbol mbar, also mb) are units of pressure. They are not SI units, but accepted (although discouraged) for use with the SI. The bar is still widely used in …