Mighty Party
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Chest Advertisement Speedup – Panoramik Help Center
I bought a chest slot. Now ads for chest speed up are taken away from me. Please restore chest ads for speed up. Or please refund and restore my ability to use ads to speed up. I was trying to be nice and give money to help. Now it’s too expensive to even play this game reasonably. Terrible punishment for a loyal customer.
Game update issues - Panoramik Help Center
In some rare cases, a new version of the game could not appear in the App Store or Google Play Store. Here's a quick instruction on how to refresh your device's application store and download the latest version of the game.
In-game timings, resets and cooldowns - Panoramik Help Center
Gold Mine refreshes 3 times a day - at 6:00, 12:00 and 18:00 UTC.. Gem Mine refreshes every day at 18:00 UTC.. The Pit starts every other Monday at 10:00 UTC and lasts 7 days.. 2 new Bosses are unlocked every 24 hours.. 1 Power Sigil is restored every 12 hours (but you always can buy extra for 40 gems).. Dark Tower starts every other Monday at …
Moonstones – Panoramik Help Center - support.mighty-party.com
Moonstones are a new great way to purchase certain in-game offers and get more bang for your buck! Visit our Moonstone Store right away or keep scrolling for more info on them. Get them!
Moonstones - Panoramik Help Center
Moonstones are a new great way to purchase certain in-game offers and get more bang for your buck! Visit our Moonstone Store right away or keep scrolling for more info on them. Get them!
게임이 충돌하면 어떻게 해야 하나요? – Panoramik Help Center
Samsung users may experience unexpected game crashes even on high-end devices due to specific system optimizations. Here's how to avoid them! Follow these steps in the Settings App: Settings -> Apps -> Mighty Party -> App info -> Battery -> Unrestricted . For even more information, please, refer to the helpful guide from Don't Kill My App.
Guilds – Panoramik Help Center - support.mighty-party.com
Jun 7, 2023 · You can access the Guilds tab from the main screen of the game when you reach rank 24, and once you enter, you will be able to start looking for guilds that are always recruiting their next champions.
VIP를 어떻게 획득/활성화하나요? – Panoramik Help Center
VIP in Mighty Party consists of two parameters, VIP Points and VIP Time. Acquiring VIP Points increases your VIP level, but in order to receive bonuses from it, you need to activate your VIP using VIP Time. Some offers can contain only VIP Points or only VIP Time.
계정을 잃어버렸습니다. 진행 상황을 어떻게 복구하나요? – …
If you weren't able to get your progress back after following the instructions above, or you're using another platform to play, you should contact us here, through the in-game support (adding appropriate Account issues and Lost account topics) or via email [email protected].