Mixopterus - Wikipedia
Mixopterus is a genus of eurypterid, an extinct group of aquatic arthropods. Fossils of Mixopterus have been discovered in deposits from Late Silurian age, and have been referred to several different species.
Mixopteridae - Wikipedia
The Mixopteridae are a family of eurypterids, an extinct group of chelicerate arthropods commonly known as "sea scorpions". The family is one of two families contained in the superfamily Carcinosomatoidea (along with Carcinosomatidae), which in turn is one of the superfamilies classified as part of the suborder Eurypterina.. According to …
Eurypterids, or sea scorpions, are an important group of mid-Paleozoic chelicerate arthropods whose evolution and palaeoeco-logical significance have attracted much attention in recent years [1–3].
Fossils of Giant Sea Scorpion Found in China | Sci.News
Oct 11, 2021 · Terropterus xiushanensis lived approximately 435 million years ago during the Llandovery epoch of the Silurian period. The ancient marine creature belongs to a family of sea scorpions called Mixopteridae.
Arthropoda : Eurypterida : Mixopteracea - Palaeos
The most scorpion-like of the Eurypterids (and possibly ancestral to the scorpions), this is a diverse group of often spiny Eurypterids. Many of these animals were clearly amphibious, as is indicated by a trail in the Silurian of Ringerike, Norway, believed to have been made by a large Mixopterus. Carcinosoma scorpionis (Grote and Pitt)
Mixopterus - The Prehistoric Nature Wiki
Mixopterus is a genus of eurypterid from the late Silurian period. Its claws were laced with spines for grasping and catching prey. It also had paddle like appendages meaning it was a good swimmer.
Life Before the Dinosaurs: Mixopterus.
Aug 14, 2011 · Mixopterus was a peculiar genus of eurypterid that lived in the late Silurian Period. Its spiny claws were similar to those of the Ordovician eurypterid Megalograptus. Thanks to Wade Harrell for the cool illustration!
Terropterus xiushanensis: Fossils of Giant Sea Scorpion Found …
Terropterus xiushanensis lived approximately 435 million years ago during the Llandovery epoch of the Silurian period. The ancient marine creature belongs to a family of sea scorpions called Mixopteridae.
Dog-sized scorpion once roamed the waters off prehistoric China
Oct 18, 2021 · A prehistoric fossil of a sea scorpion the size of a dog has been uncovered in the Lower Silurian region of South China, the first time a large eurypterid has been found in this part of the world.
Mixopterus | Fossiilid.info
Mixopterus: Species: kiaeri: simonsoni: See also . Paleobiology Database ; Related web resources: eElurikkus Naturforskaren GeoCASe OpenUp! Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under CC BY-NC Licence. Founding institutions: Department of …