Naruto Kai is a fan project dedicated to removing filler, padding and any other executive-minded nonsense that made the Naruto animated series the mess that it is. Each episode roughly corresponds to each volume of the comic, running for about 1 and a half to 2 hours.
Is Naruto Kai Still a Thing? Thinking About Reviving the Project.
Apr 19, 2022 · There's also The Ocean Cut, a dub-only edit focused on polish and making slightly-different decisions to Naruto kai, as well as the Canon Only Edit, which I can't link to because my only actual source for it is the download on (torrent site). This one is straightforward in not keeping anything that's not in the manga, and is Japanese-only, but ...
Sep 12, 2018 · What is Naruto Kai Final Cut? To put it simply, its an entire reedit of Naruto Shippuuden Episodes and in this particular case, the Kai episodes previously released on here. Meaning, I have gone through every frame of footage and edited them to be faster, and more enjoyable. This is similar to One Pace, which also did the same. Type of Edits
Naruto Kai is the quintessential Naruto collection that everyone …
Nov 10, 2018 · And while Naruto Kai can’t fix the story itself, it does a lot to fix how the story is told, and I like to imagine that Naruto Kai is the closest interpretation of how Kishimoto originally intended the story to be presented. Simply put, Naruto Kai tells a better story overall, and I’m glad that I got to enjoy the series this way.
I strongly don’t recommend Naruto Kai and I feel like it ... - Reddit
Aug 18, 2023 · I do like naruto Kai, but agree that the pacing is bad, but I think it’s just the effect of bingeing a show so quickly. For example pain vs naruto happens, so Sage mode is a massive deal. In naruto Kai, you could get to KSM in a few hours, making Sage mode irrelevant, of course when this happened in anime episodes it was a few years apart.
Naruto Kai (FIXED SUB VERSION)/New thread : r/Naruto - Reddit
Coming soon (estimate 2 days): Episode 72 (Temporary version) Made from scratch by me Contains the final fight in all its glory and most of the other improvised content as I feel like they really put the effort in to successfully complimenting the end of the series rather than padding it out (as they are doing with the current episodes)
Naruto Kai - All Episodes (Megathread 2) : r/Naruto - Reddit
As there are occasions where the subtitles become un-watchably out of sync or disappear entirely I sought to fix those, however as I could not access the Naruto Kai episode files on Adobe After Effects to edit them directly I had to edit together a fixed subbed version of the broken segments as a separate video file to switch to, simply named ...
What to Watch Naruto Kai or Rebuild of Naruto? : r/Naruto - Reddit
Feb 23, 2024 · Welcome to the Reddit community dedicated to Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker, a multiplayer online game developed by Soleil and published by Bandai Namco Games. Looking for a guide? Team? Why not join the discord? Or message the mods? All linked below!
NaruCannon - An Updated, "HD" Version of Naruto Kai/Cut to
Nov 13, 2023 · I'm currently working on a re-edit of the Naruto anime (English Dub only) similar to that of Kai and Cut to Manga that aims to cut down as much filler (and mixed filler), flashbacks, staredowns, and episode recaps as possible. What makes this edit different to something like Kai and Cut to Manga is the video quality.
Naruto Kai Dub now exists I made it : r/Naruto - Reddit
I had just quit my job and had about 2 months worth of free time since I was also moving states. I was bored when I found Naruto kai Subbed. so I decided to work on this. it was a pain in ass and very time consuming but it was mostly just watching Naruto to see what episodes to clip together. the worst part about working on this is I never want to watch Naruto again.