Is it ever Explained why the Nerevarine is so ridiculously ... - Reddit
But the Nerevarine, to my understanding is just a Dark Elf, who in a previous life while a very strong and capable warrior, never had God tier powers per say. Even when he is Reincarnated, Besides gaining Ageless immortality from Corpus (Which it seems like Elves in this lore are already ageless anyways, Especially the House Telvanni ones that ...
Nerevarine vs Last Dragonborn : r/Morrowind - Reddit
Jan 12, 2022 · No and maybe yes. Just as the nerevarine was protected by prophecy so to was dagoth Ur. Lord wise it could only be the Nerevarine. Not because he was all powerful but because of the curse place upon the false tribunal. It was the Nerevarine’s destiny to strike Dagoth Ur down destroy the false tribunal and free morrowind from both.
"You are not the Nerevarine. You are one who may become the …
Yes, chosen to try to become the Nerevarine. You're right about how mantling works. The story lays it out pretty effectively; the Nerevarine is the reincarnation of Nerevar, but to become the Nerevarine you have to fulfill certain requirements. Almalexia, Dagoth Ur and Vivec all believe the PC is the reincarnation of Nerevar.
Why would Nerevarine go to Akavir? : r/teslore - Reddit
Nerevarine is quite likely defending Tamriel from Akavir by being a one man army. EC died of old age. Vestige's fate is up in the air. The Agent wasn't a prisoner, just a messenger, a pawn who did the heavy lifting for the Empire. CoC became Sheo, and he is probably like Pelinal now, a mad creature in a moment, a lucid, calm and sane one in ...
Nerevarine is a Blade. Would the Thalmor be after them?
Mar 25, 2021 · 1)Nerevarine was temporal Blade member in Morrowind lands for less than a 1 year more then 200 years ago. 2)Nerevarine never do anything against Dominion lands. 3)Nerevarine not know organization secrets except Dagoth Ur. 4)Noone from Blades who know Nerevarine as Blade member survived. 5)Nerevarine never worshipped Tiber Septim as …
Why do they joke that the neravar is an argonian? : r/Morrowind
So yes, the Nerevarine is the incarnation of Nerevar. No, Nerevarine and Nerevar do not look the same. And if the face will not be the same, who is to say that the race would? So lorewise, the Nerevarine could be any race and any gender. I agree that canonical, the Nerevarine is a male dumner. But lorewise he could be a female khajit.
Why the Nerevarine DOESN'T make the most sense as a male …
Another poster mentioned that a Redguard might be best played as the Nerevarine-as-Hortator; similarly, I think a Reachman makes a great Nerevarine as Redeemer-of-the-Ashlanders. They're both daedra-worshipping societies, insular cultures within a wider race, and widely viewed as barbarians by mainstream society.
Logically, the Nerevarine could very well be an Altmer.
Feb 10, 2020 · The nerevarine is a revenge quest by Azura to dunk on her least favorite chosen people and their stupid gods too. The mongrel dogs are only driven out of the empire when Mehrunes Dagon starts destroying everything he can find across Tamriel, so that part doesn't really work out well for Morrowind either.
Is the Nerevarine Dragonborn? : r/teslore - Reddit
May 1, 2012 · There's some argument that the Nerevarine wasn't the Nerevarine until he did certain things and that if he'd failed someone else would have come and succeeded and thus become the Nerevarine instead. Possibly the mechanism for becoming dragonborn is similar in that it requires that the right person finds the right opportunity (the presence of ...
How to pronounce Nerevarine? : r/Morrowind - Reddit
Jan 23, 2012 · How to pronounce Nerevarine? I originally said it like "Nair-EH-va-REEN," but then I thought it might be "NAIR-eh-VAR-in," because the "r" probably wouldn't be in the last syllable because it comes from "Nerevar."