Pods - Nier Automata Wiki
Jan 8, 2023 · Pods in NieR: Automata are small robots that follow your main Character and provide supportive assistance. Pods are extremely useful in combat as they can be used for hanging, to allow the player to jump higher, or glide across large distances. You can also attack while gliding to attack larger enemies.
Nier: Automata: Pod Location Guide - TheGamer
Jan 23, 2021 · In Nier: Automata, players are joined by their faithful little floating robot machines named "Pods". These little guys help the player navigate around by gliding, can be used to fish, and are particularly helpful during battle.
Pod 042 - NIER Wiki
Pod 042, similar to Pod 153, is a tactical support unit in NieR:Automata commonly assigned to YoRHa soldiers. They are mainly loaded with various weapons for long-ranged attacks, and display correspondence from Command as well as …
Pod Programs - Nier Automata Wiki
Jan 17, 2023 · Pod Programs in NieR: Automata are active abilities that are slotted to your A.I. Companion, the Pod. They function similarly to NieR Replicant's Sealed Verses, allowing the player to instruct the Pod/s to execute a special attack.
Nier: Automata Guide To Getting All Pod Programs - TheGamer
Mar 18, 2021 · If you're looking to teach your Pod some new skills in Nier: Automata, here's how and where to get every single Pod Program.
Pods - NieR Automata Guide - IGN
Mar 27, 2017 · In NieR: Automata, you can control a Pod that can either fire a secondary weapon or use a special ability while in combat. In addition, you can upgrade the strength of your Pod attacks, as well...
All Weapons and Pods Location Guide - Steam Community
Oct 16, 2017 · This guide will show you how to obtain weapons and pods. WARNING! THIS GUIDE MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS! KEEP THAT IN MIND. This thread still not 100% but it contain enough details to find all weapons. Need to filled up information? feel free to tell me! - A white blade used by a samurai of the east. - 2B's initial weapon.
Pod 153 - NIER Wiki
Pod 153, similar to Pod 042, is a tactical support unit in NieR:Automata commonly assigned to YoRHa soldiers. They are mainly loaded with various weapons for long-ranged attacks, and display correspondence from Command as well as …
NieR: Automata - All Weapons / Pod Skill Locations and …
Mar 17, 2017 · A detailed spoiler-free Nier: Automata guide to all weapons and Pod Program locations.
Pod A - Nier Automata Wiki
Jun 27, 2023 · Pod A is the default Pod you will obtain and be given to you at the beginning of the game. It shoots its projectile similar to a gatling gun. Pods are small robots that provide tactical support to your Character during combat.