KOSO – Our Creativity is Our Pride. Nihon KOSO has grown to …
The website of the KOSO Group, led by Nihon KOSO Co., Ltd. KOSO provides high quality technologies, products and services, armed with truly unique “Made in KOSO” solutions, …
Nihon KOSO Co.,Ltd., a full-line supplier of Automation System.
Introduction of diversified KOSO control valves that contribute to process automation in various fields of industry.
Category of Products | Nihon KOSO Co.,Ltd.
Introducing varieties of products of KOSO, providing reliability and achievements, as KOSO made great contributions to process automation in trades of various kinds through development and …
Associated company in Japan | Nihon KOSO Co.,Ltd.
KOSO Nihombashi Bldg.,1-16-7 Nihombashi Chuo-ku Tokyo 103-0027 Japan TEL 03-5202-4300 FAX 03-5202-4301
Location | Nihon KOSO Co.,Ltd.
KOSO Nihombashi Bldg.,1-16-7 Nihombashi Chuo-ku Tokyo 103-0027 Japan TEL: 81-3-5202-4300 FAX: 81-3-5202-4301
Company Outline | Nihon KOSO Co.,Ltd.
Nihon KOSO Co.,Ltd. Foundation November 1 1965 Establishment February 1 1977 Capital 48000000yen President Yuichi Ikegaya Member of a company Non-Consolidated: 150, …
CL420: Lock Valves | Nihon KOSO Co.,Ltd.
Used for shut off, switching, or locking of instrumental air circuit (air relay).
501G/550G: Cage Guided Control Valves | Nihon KOSO Co.,Ltd.
For those severe fluid conditions that cannot be covered by this Series, please select KOSO velocity control trim type.
Inquiry | Nihon KOSO Co.,Ltd.
The inquiry, the estimate, the question, etc. are received. We will start to operate a new registration system for your inquiry and access to our download service on the 5th of November.
400H: Parallel Slide Valves | Nihon KOSO Co.,Ltd.
Parallel slide has KOSO's own design/construction to realize very good and firm metal-to-metal touch sealing performance. Its execellent shut-off performance, brought about by the metal-to …